Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Proposal: Snap-on Systems

Withdrawn. Josh

Adminned at 27 Jul 2022 12:50:08 UTC

To the subrule “Spare Parts Bin”, add the following:

As an atomic action, when their readiness is set to Workshop or Staging, an operator may:
*Optionally remove a system from their bot and add it to their spare parts bin
*Optionally remove a system from their spare parts bin and attach it to their bot if they have at least one empty hardpoint

I’ve pictured systems as being easy to swap out for the most part, and being able to customize to face your opponent (as long as you’ve prepared) would make things a bit more interesting. Plus I think this gives money a bit more value; you’re much more likely to want to buy backup systems and thus run low on money sometimes


Brendan: he/him

26-07-2022 17:53:09 UTC

I’m a little unclear on why this is an atomic action—if both steps are optional, they might as well be distinct actions.

Trapdoorspyder: he/him

26-07-2022 18:06:24 UTC

I have a big issue with this. This proposal heavily disencentivises getting Set first, as whoever doesn’t do so will get the opportunity to react to whatever their opponent threw together, putting them in a severe disadvantage. This could also result in a situation where two people never end up getting set as they could just keep trying to out equip each other and gain the advantage before the match even starts.

Josh: he/they

26-07-2022 21:32:13 UTC

imperial I do share Trapdoorspyder’s concerns, and am on the edge of vacating imperial neutrality over it.

Snisbo: she/they

26-07-2022 23:02:30 UTC

Very fair, I didn’t think about that. Wish there was a way to implement this without it becoming a game of stalling. Withdrawn.  against