Proposal: Source Code
timeout, failed 4-5 with 3 unresolved def by chiiika.
Adminned at 04 Jun 2023 08:37:56 UTC
Add a new subrule to “Levels of Reality”, called “Cyphers”:
A Cypher is a string of eight alphanumeric characters, which is tracked secretly in Private Messages between the Cypher’s owner(s) and the Ascendant. When a Mindjacker Cracks a Cypher, they must perform the following Atomic Action to generate it:
* Use the tool at to generate a single string, 8 characters in length, with only numeric digits and uppercase letters enabled. If the Mindjacker already owns the resulting string, they may discard and re-generate it.
* Send a Private Message to the Ascendant containing the string that was generated in the previous step, an indication that they are gaining it as a Cypher, and the total number of Cyphers that they own (counting the newly-gained string). The Mindjacker then owns the generated Cypher.A Mindjacker may transmit a Cypher to another Mindjacker by sending a Private Message to the Ascendant containing a single Cypher that they own, an indication that they are transmitting it, and the name of the intended recipient. After receiving one such Private Message, the Ascendant should, at their earliest opportunity, send a Private Message to the recipient Mindjacker containing the transmitted Cypher, an indication that the recipient now owns it, and the total number of Cyphers the recipient owns (counting the newly-transmitted Cypher). The recipient Mindjacker then owns that Cypher, if they didn’t already.
To Burn a Cypher, a Mindjacker sends a Private Message to the Ascendant containing that Cypher, an indication that they are Burning it, and the total number of Cyphers that they own (not counting the Cypher that is being Burned). That Mindjacker then no longer owns that Cypher.
A Mindjacker cannot Burn a Cypher that they do not own. If a Mindjacker Burns multiple Cyphers at once, each Cypher Burned should be communicated with a separate Private Message. The Private Message sent when Burning a Cypher is reffered to as a Burn Notice.
Add a new subrule to “Tier 1: Techno-Witch Reality”, called “Scrying”:
A Mindjacker can Scry if they have at least one Cypher to Burn and have made a Story Post no more than 10 minutes beforehand announcing that they are Scrying.
Scrying is an action in which a Mindjacker Burns a Cypher and, in the associated Burn Notice, states that they are Scrying and names a single Tier. After receiving one such Burn Notice, the Ascendant should, at their earliest opportunity, reply to it with a Private Message containing the following information:
* The number of Avatars, if any, whose Home Tier or Occupancy Tier was named in the Burn Notice and whose Name includes one or more characters that match any of those within the Burned Cypher (ignoring letter case differences).
* For each such Avatar, a distinct list of each character that is present in both their Name and the Burned Cypher (once again ignoring letter case), in the order in which they appear in that Avatar’s Name. If a character appears multiple times in an Avatar’s name, it must be present an equal number of times in that Avatar’s list.
* Below each list of characters, a number indicating the total quantity of characters in that Avatar’s Name that are not present in the Burned Cypher. Duplicate characters (i.e. characters that appear multiple times in the Avatar’s Name) are all counted toward the total.
so, this one’s a doozy. here’s a very wacky resource and something to do with it: an action that gives you extensive but incomplete data you can draw from to guess avatars’ names. if this passes, we may want to enact some way of narrowing down or restricting the names of avatars so that they’re guessable. i have an interesting idea involving a daily story post made by the ascendant, each one having lots of fake names and one actual avatar name in it (or perhaps weekly, with even more fake names and all 10 avatars).
this is another mechanic that isn’t plugged in yet, but i feel like this dynasty theme in particular is gonna skew things toward a long setup period before things really kick off :0
Lulu: she/her
in favor of A Symbol Idea