Friday, October 06, 2017

Proposal: Sprucing up the Neighborhood

reached quorum 4-0 enacted by card

accidentally stickied this, sorry

Adminned at 07 Oct 2017 04:28:43 UTC

If the proposal “Pumpkin Boulevard” has passed, make the following changes to the rule “The Neighborhood”:

There are 6 houses of Pumpkin Boulevard.


Pumpkin Boulevard starts out having 6 houses.

and the clause:

[...] and gullibility is a number defaulting to 0.

will change into:

[...] and gullibility is a number which starts between 0 and 10. It defaults to 0.

Interpret the line “No candy will be distributed until each house has a unique Family Name, Costume Type Preference, and Candy Type.” as allowing one of the houses to stay at the default.

Within the rule “The Neighborhood” add a sub-rule titled “Special Houses Rules” with this text:

Some houses may have special rules regarding their traits. They will be written as new paragraphs of the form:


And will be stored in this section.

Allow that, once some (as yet undecided) state is reached, the number of houses on Pumpkin Boulevard may increase.

Just a bunch of improvements?



06-10-2017 14:42:06 UTC

“Interpret the line “No candy will be distributed until each house has a unique Family Name, Costume Type Preference, and Candy Type.” as allowing one of the houses to stay at the default.”

I’d much rather have explicit text as to what is supposed to happen because ephemeral stuff like this gets weird when its ‘interpretation’. I suggest to change the ruletext instead like adding a parenthesis with a clarification and explicit changes to the gamestate and such.


06-10-2017 15:21:28 UTC

By this I meant that one of the houses should stay with the default stats. I understand and you problem about the phrasing, however. How do you feel about the rest of the proposal?


06-10-2017 15:27:18 UTC

the rest is cool with me


06-10-2017 17:32:03 UTC

I gues the only reason someone would see it as different than Axemabaro’s interpretation is if they considered the default values to not be unique.


06-10-2017 17:33:19 UTC

also I’m not sure your last line does anything, it should probably be put in the rules if you want it to.


06-10-2017 17:59:44 UTC

mmm… ok


06-10-2017 18:29:59 UTC

You could simply make a proposal to increase the number of houses later on.

Darknight: he/him

07-10-2017 01:56:06 UTC



07-10-2017 03:53:41 UTC
