Proposal: Stealing
Self-killed, failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 07 Aug 2014 10:39:31 UTC
Enact a new rule, ‘Stealing’—
Each player has a default security score of 40, which can be raised or lowered by various means. Once every 72 hours, an Experienced Seller (the ‘thief’) may make a GNDT comment naming a Seller (the ‘victim’) and a Secondhand Good that Seller possesses, and in the same GNDT comment roll DICE99. If the result of the die roll is less than the security score of the victim, the thief must then add the relevant Good into the thief’s possession.
Your goods are MINE!
There should be a downside to attempting this… maybe if you fail the victim gets one of your Goods or some of your Profit or something.