Proposal: Stealing v2
Timed out 3 votes to 4. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 09 Aug 2014 08:59:04 UTC
Enact a new rule, “Stealing”—
Each player has a security score, which is tracked in the GDNT and has a default value of 40. Each Experienced Seller is allowed to attempt to Steal a Secondhand Good once every 48 hours if they have less than four Goods. To do this, the Seller (the ‘thief’) makes a GNDT comment naming a Seller (the ‘victim’) and a Secondhand Good that the victim possesses. In the same GNDT comment the thief must roll DICE99. If the result is less than the security score of the victim, the named Secondhand Good is transferred from the victim to the thief. If the result is greater than the security score of the victim, an amount equal to twice the Typical Price of the named Secondhand Good is subtracted from the thief’s Profit.
I’m adding a penalty and a limit to the rule in order to make it more interesting.
Sprucial: Idle