Thursday, December 12, 2024

Proposal: Step Into The Limelight

Timed out and enacted, 3-0. Josh

Adminned at 14 Dec 2024 20:08:23 UTC

In the rule “The Award Ceremony”, replace “If there is a single Snail on the Track with the most Fame” with “Among the Snails on the Track, if there is a single Snail with the most Fame”.

In the same rule, replace “The Snails who have a quorum of Snails with more Fame” with “Among the Snails on the Track, the Snails who have a quorum of Snails with more Fame”.

In the same rule, just before the text “The Award Ceremony is the following atomic action”, add the following as a separate paragraph:

A Snail whose Position is after the Finish Line is said to have finished the Race.

Clarifying the Fame comparisons to be only among the Snails on the Track when the Award Ceremony is performed. I think it’s more fair to the Snails who are participating in the Race not to be affected by the Fame of Snails in the Bucket. This also incentivizes Snails to stay out of the Bucket if they want to make a difference.

Also clarifying what “finished the Race” means, for the rule text describing Snails that “failed to finish the Race”.



12-12-2024 06:05:32 UTC

I don’t like clauses that define the obvious and override our intuitions. At least to me (correct me if I’m wrong here), it’s already obvious as written that ‘finishing the race’ is when you’re after the Finish Line and ‘failing to finish the race’ is when you started the race but did not finish.

This is only a minor pet peeve of mine so you most likely have my vote regardless. Just my un-asked-for two cents :D


12-12-2024 06:09:53 UTC

I’m pretty much doing the same thing with my own clarification on the Bucket Snails, so I really don’t have a leg to stand on there.

Josh: he/they

12-12-2024 08:36:34 UTC

I agree that turning finishing the race into a keyword is unncessary.

On the other hand, the second correction (“Among the Snails on the Track, the Snails who have a quorum of Snails with more Fame”) still contains an ambiguity.

I don’t understand why we haven’t just accepted Participant and Non-Participant as classes yet.

JonathanDark: he/him

12-12-2024 14:28:02 UTC

I’m not sure how Participant and Non-Participant would help. They are as much as a label as “Snails in the Bucket” as far as I can tell.

JonathanDark: he/him

12-12-2024 14:34:21 UTC

I was a little concerned that “finishing the Race” could be interpreted as “causing the Race to stop being Ongoing”, if someone wanted to find all the definitions of “finish” and use “bring to an end” with that clause. With that, one could state that if they were the last Snail to make a Play and could no longer move, causing the Race to stop being Ongoing, they would count wherever this phrase was found in the rules.

Josh: he/they

12-12-2024 14:37:17 UTC



12-12-2024 16:01:57 UTC

for I don’t see the necessity of the second change, but the first one is good and you do raise a valid concern about finishing the race


14-12-2024 07:56:13 UTC
