Friday, August 28, 2020

Story Post: Cannister of Glarsh is Damaging to Gregite

I found some Glarsh lying around so I thought this might be the solution to this whole poison gas problem.  Turns out when you pour Glarsh onto Gregite it boils into this weak acid that has a tendency of popping back at you.  Luckily it appears to not dissolve skin, gonna need to find a new shirt though.


Kevan: he/him

28-08-2020 11:34:03 UTC

Fortunately this was merely a mild hallucination brought on by the effects of the gas - you weren’t carrying a Canister of Glarsh, so can’t have taken the action, so nothing happened.

The Application action begins with “Choose a piece of Equipment from among those they are carrying” and you’re carrying nothing. If you want to pick something up, just make a wiki account and then update the Mission Log to say what you’ve taken. There’s a bunch of stuff in the Base at the Cortex Desert.

Kevan: he/him

28-08-2020 11:35:27 UTC

(Pouring Glarsh on the Gregite would also have the effect of awarding you 1 Prestige for your bravery, and requiring you to update the Equipment table to give Glarsh a permanent, ongoing effect against Gregite.)


28-08-2020 11:47:22 UTC

Ohhh, ok then.