Proposal: Striking back
Adminned at 22 Oct 2011 14:56:34 UTC
Immediately idle every Artist whose final vote in the Call for Judgment: CFJ: Attn: CotC was .
SKed. -Ornithopter
Adminned at 22 Oct 2011 14:56:34 UTC
Immediately idle every Artist whose final vote in the Call for Judgment: CFJ: Attn: CotC was .
SKed. -Ornithopter
I agree. You should definitely idle out people like ais523 and coppro; that is the mature response to these silly invaders. Especially if you are, in fact, playing Calvinball.
@zuff: Stop being a dick.
While I agree it is childish it isn’t permanent. People that were part of the nvasion that want to play can simply rejoin the game and play.
Hey, come on. Some of us aren’t meatpuppets, but actual players that have a nice history here. Sure, I sided with Agora on that post. That doesn’t mean I should be kicked out of the game. =S
How about something like “Idle every player that doesn’t vote on this CfJ”? That would really weed out the nonplayers, not just everyone on one side.
Ornithopter: When you claim higher moral ground and bring meatpuppets in at the very last minute, it’s kind of hard to take things like that seriously.
Anyway, this proposal is being a dick more than my comment.
I didn’t claim moral high ground, zuff, I just claimed you were being a dick, and told you to stop. If you would like to explain to me how a completely legal proposal constitutes Calvinball, I’ll happily apologize.
since calvinball is one of original bomics I don’t really see the insult so whatever :)
I hope I have some time to play for real here. I’ll idle myself if not.
Ornithopter: The Calvinball was the statement that CotC had been adminned.
But whatever; your game.
Zuff, the claim that you were referring to the adminning of the CfJ when you brought up Calvinball is patently false. Further, said adminning was, by all appearances, an honest mistake.
I’m tired of arguing with you. Say whatever you want. Your insults are annoying, but they aren’t going to sway anyone.
[zuff] I don’t know for how many time you are around here. From the time I’m around, tradition says an Admin has some leeway in interpreting the ruleset where it’s is not crystal clear.
Just because you don’t agree with me on the matter of rebelyellow’s announcement as a player, it doesn’t make the game I’m playing Calvinball.
As you can see, I readily agreed with coppro when he pointed out lass’s vote was invalid - because it was clearly invalid and I missed it when doing the admin.
No reason to be dicks to people just because they were dicks to you. Then you wind up with a world of dicks and as a straight guy I don’t want that =P
Although Roujo, when you say “but actual players that have a nice history here.” I hope you realize that by supporting this ludicrous stunt you are essentially permanently tarnishing your reputation here.
Clucky: I guess I’ll have to work on not caring what people think of my actions. =(
@Roujo: Clucky can be rather elitist like that at times. Really now, very few people will actually judge you for it.
ais523: Custodian
The Agoran players are mostly willing to play the dynasty too, as far as I know. Are you?