Thursday, April 08, 2010

Proposal: Structured Observation

Self-killed. Josh

Adminned at 10 Apr 2010 00:16:40 UTC

Add a new job to the list of jobs in rule 2.4, as follows:

* Architect. A Colonist who builds 3 Constructions during a week may become an Architect. An Architect may spend 1 less of any one resource (to a minumum of 1), of their own chosing, when building Constructions.

Add a new rule to the ruleset, entitled Permanent Structures.

Structure Proposals are a type of Proposal. Any Colonist may submit a Structure Proposal by posting an entry in the “Proposal” category that contains the word “Structure” in its title. Each Colonist may only have one pending Structure Proposal at any time, but a Structure Proposal does not count towards a Colonist’s proposal limit (as described in rule 1.3).

A Structure Proposal must propose to add a new structure to the Settlement and cannot propose to directly alter the ruleset or gamestate in any other way. The Structure Proposal must contain the following information:

* The name of the proposed Structure
* What effect it will have
* What character is to be used to represent it on the Settlement Map - this may not be any character that is already in use
* What space it will occupy on the Settlement Map - this may be any empty space on the map

The Proposal may then be enacted or failed as per the criteria as set out in rule 1.5, with the additional requirements that it must have a valid FOR vote from either the Expedition Leader or at least one Architect in order to pass. The Expedition Leader’s vote and any Architect’s vote must include a Resource Cost for the Structure Proposal, which must be any quantity of any mixture of the resources available in the Stockpile; if the Expedition Leader has voted, their Resource Cost is taken as definitive; otherwise, the first Architect to vote’s Resource Cost is taken as definitive.

When a Structure Proposal is enacted, it must be added to this rule as a sub-rule along with its definitive Resource Cost. If there are sufficient Resources in the Stockpile to meet the Resource Cost, the Stockpile must then be reduced by the Resource Cost and the new structure may be placed on the Settlement Map. A structure cannot be built until its Resource Cost has been met. Each Structure may be built only once.

A mechanism for larger or unique structures to be proposed.



08-04-2010 11:27:14 UTC



08-04-2010 12:04:22 UTC

for nice :)

“The Expedition Leader’s vote and any Architect’s vote must include a Resource Cost for the Structure Proposal” And if not? Is their vote then illegal and does not count at all?


08-04-2010 12:08:35 UTC

Hm, and I don‘t like the “The Expedition Leader’s vote and any Architect’s vote must include a Resource Cost for the Structure Proposal” at all. They should be allowed to vote normally, too. And why should an Architect need to post such a Cost, if the Expedition Leader or another Archichtect has already postet a Cost?

But this can be solved by a fix. It will take until next Monday before we can become Architects and so there are no problems for no…

Kevan: he/him

08-04-2010 13:48:14 UTC



08-04-2010 14:36:20 UTC

against Minor issue:  There is no “proposal limit”, in a sense that implies you are not allowed to have a certain number of pending proposals.  Rather, there is a restriction on when you are allowed to make a new proposal.

The proposal queue would be delayed forever if the Structure Proposal has enough votes to pass, but no architect or expedition leader votes FOR it (It wouldn’t meet any of the criteria in Rule 1.5 for failing, you see).

Since Proposals can pass in as little as 12 hours, I am forced to check up on the game very often to see if a Structure is about to be built on top of me.

The whole Stucture Proposal goes into the Ruleset?  Guess we’d have to be vigilant for odd Proposal wordings that would cause havoc when interpreted as Rule Text.

Oracular rufio:

08-04-2010 16:38:14 UTC

against What Hix said.  Maybe it could be specified that any Colonists in the spot where the structure would go get moved first?

Also, what how many materials does it take to deconstruct a construction built by an Architect, then?  Is it the number of materials that would be spent by the destructor to build the construction, or the number of materials that were actually used in the construction of it?

If you don’t want structure proposals to affect proposal limits, the should probably just be a different class of official blog post altogether.

Oracular rufio:

08-04-2010 16:40:21 UTC

Nevermind about the cost issue - I reread the ruleset again.  :-/

Roujo: he/him

08-04-2010 17:01:19 UTC

against Per Hix


08-04-2010 17:46:07 UTC


Josh: he/they

08-04-2010 17:52:32 UTC

@ Hix - The whole Stucture Proposal goes into the Ruleset?  Guess we’d have to be vigilant for odd Proposal wordings that would cause havoc when interpreted as Rule Text.

I guess, but then, we have to do that with normal proposals anyway, so I didn’t consider that to be a big problem.

The other things you raise, though, are game-breakers, so against s/k.


08-04-2010 23:55:58 UTC

Well, I think “When a Structure Proposal is enacted, it must be added to this rule as a sub-rule along with its definitive Resource Cost.” is not really clear. “Adding a Proposal to the Ruleset” is not defined. What does it mean? The Proposal text? The Proposal text and all comments? I assume a fix should let only the important things (name, effect, character, location and costs) to be added in a subrule.