Friday, January 12, 2007

Proposal: Sympathy for the Devil, take 2

Times out (2-5)
Failed by Hix

Adminned at 14 Jan 2007 12:45:06 UTC

The first time around, this proposal was adminned because I had two pending proposals at the time that I proposed it.  At the time that it was adminned, there was one vote in favor and one vote against (Clucky).

The following amendment to Rule 2.3.2 is hereby proposed:
Revise the following text in Rule 2.3.2:

The Coach may often award up to 3 Training Points to any Olympian, or fine any Olympian up to 2 Training Points.

so that it reads as follows:

The Coach may often award up to 3 Training Points to any Olympian.  The Coach may often fine any Olympian up to 2 Training Points but must simultaneously award that Olympian the same number of Popularity points.




12-01-2007 19:14:27 UTC

for  No change.


12-01-2007 21:37:30 UTC



13-01-2007 01:08:02 UTC

Whoa!  This proposes to change facts from the past!

“The first time around” this wasn’t a proposal at all, since the Ruleset and Gamestate can only be altered in manners specified by the Ruleset (Rule 1.1), and there was no rule allowing you to make a proposal while you already had 2 Pending.  Similarly, there were no votes in favor or against it, since no rule allows Olympians to vote on something that isn’t a Proposal, CfJ, or DoV.

But, I don’t really think that making your proposed changes has much effect on gameplay (maybe Bucky disagrees…).imperial


13-01-2007 02:43:19 UTC

Hix—strictly speaking, you’re correct that the first time around wasn’t a valid proposal, so you can choose to treat my use of the word “proposal” in that historical background section as “purported proposal”, and purported votes were cast.  I acknowledge that those purported votes are of no effect.


13-01-2007 03:04:59 UTC

This completely removes the point of penalizing someone, since popularity points are worth more than their weight in TP.


13-01-2007 04:49:12 UTC


Maybe give them 1 popularity if you take 2 TP, and 0 if you give 1…. or is that too much as well?

Clucky: he/him

13-01-2007 09:49:44 UTC

Exactly. What is the point is taking away TP if you would gain popularity?  against  against  against


13-01-2007 10:30:28 UTC
