Sunday, June 20, 2010

Proposal: Take one down, pass it around…

Times out and fails 1-6. -Bucky

Adminned at 22 Jun 2010 19:03:27 UTC

Add a sub-rule to rule 2.3 “Inventory”, entitled “Dropping, Giving, and Picking Up”, with the following text:

At any time, an @ (the Dropper) may Drop one or more items in their inventory by making a post stating their intention, which must include the list of items which are being Dropped, and the current floor of the Dropper. The Dropper must then remove those items from their inventory. Those items are considered Dropped on the Dungeon Level specified in the original post.

At any time, an @ (the Giver) may Give one or more items in their inventory to another @ (the Receiver), who must be on the same Dungeon Level as the Giver, by making a post stating their intention, which must include the name of the Receiver, the list of items which are being given, and the current Dungeon Level of the Giver. The Giver must then remove those items from their inventory. The Receiver may reply with a comment, to the post, stating their acceptance of said items. They must then add the items to their inventory. If the Receiver does not take such an action within 48 hours of the original post, then those items are considered Dropped on the Dungeon Level specified in the original post with the Giver as the Dropper.

As a daily action, an @ (the Picker-Upper) may Pick Up one item which has been Dropped, provided that they are currently on the same Dungeon Level on which the item was Dropped, by posting a comment to the post which Dropped that item, stating which item they are Picking Up.

...98 Potions of Water on the Dungeon Level…



20-06-2010 23:45:57 UTC

1)Start as a Tourist
2)Give a friend my food and darts
3)Punch a soldier ant
4)Get attacked and killed by friend
5)Start as a Tourist
4n)Get attacked and killed by friend
4n+1)Start as a Valkyrie
4n+2)Get a pile of food and darts from friend


21-06-2010 02:19:07 UTC

against per Bucky.

Darknight: he/him

21-06-2010 05:36:50 UTC



21-06-2010 12:07:18 UTC

I would think that self-interest from the other players would prevent that.

6)Friend get’s killed by the other @‘s…


21-06-2010 12:44:10 UTC

please ignore all apostrophes in the previous post. I was sleepy when I posted it.


21-06-2010 14:27:28 UTC

imperial I like the idea of being able to drop / give items, but it is far too open to abuse. Maybe change around the giving procedure to limit it to one item per player every few days? Or maybe it should be a “trade” instead, where both players must give and recieve items.


21-06-2010 14:37:49 UTC

Trading instead of giving just means that a Hawaiian shirt would be included in both sides of the above scenario.

I’m not sure that the problem is as dire as the above makes it out to be. I mean, you are worried that this rule makes it possible to gain a large amount of the basic equipment, IF you can find a partner-in-crime willing to dedicate a large portion of the game to helping you gain said equipment (remember that you can only attack daily) and IF you give up advancing through the dungeon to get to the better equipment which will be found with leveling up, and IF the other players don’t get wise and just gang-kill your partner.

Even then, you are still stuck on level one, with a first level @, trying to use darts to catch up to everyone who are by now on level 20-something, and have much more varied equipment and better weapons, even if you do have more of them.

redtara: they/them

21-06-2010 15:58:14 UTC

Bucky’s problem with this proposal could be solved by adding a respawn delay.


21-06-2010 17:13:44 UTC



21-06-2010 18:11:11 UTC

against per Bucky. 

Kyre’s idea makes sense, and lilomar’s response ALSO makes sense, but this can probably still open the game up to scams with future rules.  Plus, this still is a way to cheat the system in a way that is not Nethackian, so I don’t approve.