Proposal: Taking a Break
Reached quorum 6 votes to 1. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 29 Jun 2017 16:41:46 UTC
Enact a new rule, “Eternal Torment”:-
The Explorer named Cuddlebeam may not make Combo posts or Calls for Judgment.
Reached quorum 6 votes to 1. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 29 Jun 2017 16:41:46 UTC
Enact a new rule, “Eternal Torment”:-
The Explorer named Cuddlebeam may not make Combo posts or Calls for Judgment.
Ah, you said the other day that you didn’t regard the inconvience to other players as any kind of cost when deciding whether to do obstructive novelty stuff, so I thought I’d make it more concrete.
I agree we seem to have wandered into the dead end of a Werewolf dynasty where the moderator is too busy to run it, which is always a shame. Would be nice to fix the problem rather than doing other stuff which gets in the way, though. (We could have Sphinx appoint a replacement Expedition Leader, if someone wants to lead without winning.)
Yeah, when it comes to winning definitely I’ll claim my share of patience. And I like to strive to win with novelty. But when its totally optional stuff, I shouldn’t bother others too much.
(I just heavily disagree with that stuff shouldn’t be done because it’s not too likeable. Yes, there should be margins of tolerance because everyone will want to do different stuff and but IMO everyone should aim to have a minimum of courtesy. But striving to make grow your social capital - whether that’s your gameplan to win or not - is totally up to each person, and I’d like to consider myself not one of them.)
Does “stuff shouldn’t be done because it’s not too likeable” mean that you think players shouldn’t disapprove when somebody does something they dislike? (That if I’m choosing which of two all-else-being-equal Catan players to trade with, it’d be unreasonable for me to choose A over B on the grounds of B cracking the same bad sheep jokes all evening?)
Yes, I entirely agree with that phenomenon. Once everything formal is gone, other players pretty much only have informal interests to go off of. I’m just not too interested in cultivating that part for my own gain (and that of others). I find it a totally valid way to grow for others though, I just don’t enjoy it myself, much like how some could prefer to win chess with certain openers and styles versus some other.
There’s the formal stuff as well; if player B has been hassling me with the robber all game, I’m not going to trade wheat with him. If player C has been clouding the game with unhelpful CfJs, I’m not going to vote for them, and Nomic gives me a further gameplay option of proposing to change the rules to (say) require that player to at least seek the support of a second person before making any more.
I appreciate you’re not striving to win through a cult of personality, and agree that it can be boring when that happens. But you’re going further than refraining from it, you’re doing the opposite - of actually reducing your chances of ever winning, by frustrating the other players. I’m not sure how much you can see that this is happening.
I agree with that I put too much of my own spice at times lol. I’m aware. (And recently there hasn’t been much going on so I started to just go with more of that stuff out of boredom, perhaps too much.)
on the grounds that the dynasty will probably be over soon enough, either from one of the two win conditions or if the Expedition Leader idles away.
This is the second Eternal Torment that’s been proposed to you Cuddlebeam, I suggest refraining from actions that give reason to encourage this in the future or give cause for the Emperor of the next Dynasty to not repeal it.
...Just telling me to stop doing it is alright lol. Actually trying to win aside, that field test thing and a few other novelty stuff isn’t too crucial nor essential to be done right now (but I find them to be very interesting none the less), so I don’t mind just postponing it all for another time.