Friday, September 14, 2012

Proposal: Team Work, or Do you actually need a whole GNDT row?

Fails 1-6. — Quirck

Adminned at 16 Sep 2012 07:32:24 UTC

Add a new rule, “Groups”:

No Student shall have their own row in the GNDT, and as such there aren’t variables linked to a single stundent but only to Groups of students. Groups of Students will take one row each in the GNDT as if they were single Students and any Student may update any Group’s data via the GNDT, whenever the Ruleset permits it. There is a Special Group of Students, called the Class, which always contains all the students in the roster. Every Group of Students has a Members column in the GNDT containing the full list of the members of the Group. The Class’ Members field may be left empty for simplicity. Students that are not part of any group except the Class may add themselves to one of the groups “La Belle Equipe”, “Underachievers”, “Group nr.3” and “The Others”, chosen randomly between those with the least members. Unidling students join the groups they were in before idling, if they still exist. If a Group has ever one or less members, it ceases to exist.

Clear the GNDT.
Assign a row to the Class.
Randomly split all the students except the Professor in 4 groups as evenly as possible. Name the 4 groups “La Belle Equipe”, “Underachievers”, “Group nr.3” and “The Others”.

If the rule “Grading” exists, replace everything within it with:

Each Group of Students has a non-negative integer number of Achievements, tracked in the GNDT in the Achievements field as a comma-separated list of the first three letters of the title of the dynastic rules which awarded the Scores that made the Group gain each Achievement. New Groups start with no Achievements. If a Group would be awarded an Achievement that would create a double entry in its Achievements field, they don’t get the Achievement.
Rules can cause Students or Groups of Students to Score (by saying that the Student or Group Scores). Students and Groups cannot Score in any other manner. When a Student Scores they may post a Story Post within 24h saying to which of the groups they are a member of they want to assign the Achievement. That Group gains an Achievement, and the Student should brag about it in the blog post. When a Group Scores, they gain an Achievement. Achievements should not be awarded in any other manner.
This Rule takes precedence over other dynastic rules for the purpose of determining when or whether a Student Scores.

Set all the Groups’ Achievements to a blank string.

I could have made it easier, but I wanted to try something radically cooperative. You are the groups you are in without individual variables. I don’t know if this is possible and I know it’s a mess.



14-09-2012 13:36:19 UTC

I don’t think the GNDT supports updates by players who don’t have a row.

Josh: he/they

14-09-2012 13:49:21 UTC

It does - idle players (which we would all be) can edit the GNDT.

quirck: he/him

14-09-2012 13:58:16 UTC

Last time i idled and tried to log in it said that my password was incorrect

Josh: he/they

14-09-2012 14:20:34 UTC

quirck appears to be correct.

Still, we can always have players rows still be in the GNDT, but keep them unused.

Ragnar Danneskjöld:

14-09-2012 14:38:04 UTC

against Ragnar is not a fan of group work

quirck: he/him

14-09-2012 15:23:24 UTC

And I am.

But against  due to explicit denying rows in the GNDT.


14-09-2012 19:28:10 UTC

For the same reason pointed by quirck.


14-09-2012 19:44:56 UTC

The guy who wins this game makes the next dynasty, right?
What would happen if a group wins?


14-09-2012 20:51:27 UTC

arrow  for encouraging group projects,  against  for making everything one.


14-09-2012 20:52:51 UTC

Nobody may win at this point. If you have some good ideas for joint wins go and Propose them.


14-09-2012 21:20:51 UTC

I know, my point was: is it possible (not just in ‘can be done’, but also as in ‘have it happened before’) that a group wins and that all the members of such a group get to choose the next Dynasty?


15-09-2012 14:18:40 UTC

for groups

against “individual players don’t have GNDT rows”, which should be changed to “individual players don’t have anything in their GNDT rows except their names”.


15-09-2012 16:53:31 UTC

arrow  against