Declaration of Victory: Teamwork is Magic
Failed 0-8. Would some smart person remove the Hiatus sigil from the right? Failed by Rodney.
Adminned at 17 Jun 2012 11:51:20 UTC
I have achieved victory because I am Enlightened. Less ambiguously this time.
“Gamestate Mapping” states that the fields 1-10 “correspond to the GNDT fields of each Dynasty in the order that those GNDT fields are mentioned in the ruleset”; it doesn’t exclude the current Dynasty. Though there is some ambiguity since the rule purports to map, say, field 1 to field 4, it’s unambiguous that the first three GNDT fields of Dynasty 100 are Dynasty, Chronotohms, and Chakras, because they are mentioned in that order in 2.2.1, “Dynastic Travel”.
Yesterday, ais523 randomly rolled Dynasty 46. Today, coppro spent 2 Chronotohms to move to that Dynasty: as allowed by its ruleset, he added eir Wages (Dynasty) to eir Net Worth (Chronotohms), then transferred 20 Net Worth (Chronotohms) to me. I then spent 5 Chronotohms to move to Dynasty 31.
In Dynasty 31 (ruleset), I changed my Incarnation (Chronotohms) to the name of the imaginary deity “42”, and my Pantheon (Chakras) to “Sahasrara (10), Ajna (11), Vishuddha (12), Anahata (13), Manipura (14), Swadhisthana (15), Muladhara (16)” [1]. (Since it was the first time I did so, I did not need to set my Quintessence to zero.) So I have unblocked all seven Chakra, have become Enlightened, and have achieved victory.
[1] Once thought to be an aspect of Cthulhu, 42 once had a significant following but, after Cthulhu reportedly disclaimed any relationship to it (the deity was quoted as saying, “What kind of wimpy pantheon has a name full of numbers?”, though there was some controversy over the fact that the quoter did not outwardly seem to be dead or possessed), its worship has come to be seen as a cult. Its most famous follower is Robert ‘); DROP TABLE Students;—.
Clucky: he/him
Under the impression that your attempt went through, I’ve been assuming that the dynastic rules were repelled and we are waiting on the CfJ to pass to fix that. And so I didn’t plot any scams today. You can’t just say “Oh wait, I want to plot more scams so I’m going to plot out one before the CfJ declaring my previous action was illegal passes” that’s just completely unfair.