The 8th Metadynasty
Welcome to the Eighth Metadynasty of Blognomic. This is the longest blognomic has gone without entering meta-dynasty. 39 dynasties have passed since Sept 4, 2013, when purplebeard ended the Seventh Metadynasty.
All dynastic rules have been reset. Cuddlebeam is no longer a King. Princes remain Princes, which is suitably generic if not particularly themed. The Imperial vote mechanism will do nothing until we have a king or until a function is assigned it.
While it is customary to have a hiatus between dynasties, no declaration of victory has been made, and no ascension address can be made. And we only have 25 days to Halloween. So I invite all of you to start making rules immediately.
As indicated in the initiating proposal, this dynasty is Halloween themed. Will it end in a trick of rules? or in the treat of involved and clever gameplay?
If nobody is going to complain, I’m going to change the theme.