Proposal: The Door is Locked
Reached quorum, 18 votes to 2. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 15 Jan 2010 02:48:58 UTC
Rename Rule 2.1 (Dji-Man) to “Away Until Morning”.
Enact a new Rule, “Life and Death”:-
Each Guest at Cartlesham Manor can be either Alive or Dead (as tracked in the GNDT). All Guests start the game Alive.
Enact a new Rule, “Crises”:-
If a Proposal title includes the phrase “Crisis:”, then it represents a solution to a physical problem within the manor (such as a fire, a locked door or a guest who is behaving suspiciously). A Dead Guest may not vote on a Crisis, and Quorum for the enactment of a Crisis will be calculated as half the number of living Guests, rounded down, plus one.
The Executor may Veto any Crisis proposal which he considers to be physically impossible, or otherwise inappropriate.
Enact a new Rule, “Cat and Mouse”:-
One of the Guests is a Murderer. Having killed Lord Cartlesham, he or she intends to eliminate anyone who stands in the way of the inheritance. Another of the Guests is an undercover Detective. He or she is investigating the circumstances surrounding Lord Cartlesham’s death.
The identities of the Murderer and the Detective are not tracked publicly, and are initially known only by the Executor.
Upon enactment of this proposal, the Executor shall select a random Guest to be the Murderer, and a random Guest (other than the Murderer) to be the Detective.
Basic Werewolf-style mechanics, with a small twist. We can see where it goes from here.
Note that we’ll need to set up some kind of secure email confirmation (as last time) before I can tell the murderer and detective who they are - if it looks like we’re going with these rules, we can go ahead and start sorting out email.
ais523: Custodian