Proposal: The Ear of the King [Core]
Pending more than 7 days. Failed by JonathanDark.
Adminned at 27 Dec 2023 14:09:20 UTC
In “Fair Play”, replace “An Heir should not trade actions in BlogNomic for favors or compensation outside of BlogNomic, nor trade actions in any other game for favors within BlogNomic.” with:-
An Heir should not trade actions in the current BlogNomic dynasty for favors or compensation outside of it (including in other games and future BlogNomic dynasties), nor trade actions in any other game for favors within the current dynasty.
Add a dynastic rule, “The Favoured Heir”:-
Let it be known that the Old King’s favoured Heir is the Heir named Snisbo. The Old King is permitted to ignore the Fair Play restriction on traded favours in relation to any pre-existing agreement they might have with the Heir named Snisbo, during this dynasty.
The current “outside of BlogNomic” wording on traded favours was introduced in 2021 after a player was found to have sold their BlogNomic votes for the entire dynasty to another player in exchange for a favour in a different Nomic. There was some talk at the time about expanding the clause’s scope to also cover cross-dynastic actions, but it looks like it was never put up for a vote.
It hasn’t really come up before now, but we’re playing the current dynasty in the context of the Old King owing a now-idle player some kind of unspecified personal favour. Vovix won the previous dynasty as a result of Snisbo voluntarily taking a dive (performing a game-losing move so that Vovix would win), and their subsequent Ascension Address included the note that “I will say The Old King may have a favorite Heir here :)”, which they haven’t clarified when asked about it.
It’s hard to know how much it’s affected (or may still affect) the current dynasty, but I think it’s worth questioning the precedent being established that future favours are a useful and socially acceptable currency that can be used to get around the mantle-passing limitation.
Josh: Imperator he/they
I unidle; quorum rises to 5.
Unidling specifically to vote against this, when it’s out of its window. I go back and forth on it - the debt of favours trans-dynastically is a part of the social fabric of the game, but it does also concentrate opportunity in the hands of long-term players a little. I also think that we can go too far when it comes to inhibiting certain play styles; much as the periodic attempts to ‘ban’ scamming rankles, this would effectively put a stop to a major element of the pooling approach, which has already taken a pretty big hit over the past few years. An affection for a diversity of play styles necessitates an opposition to this, from me.
But I have to vote against this now simply because I currently owe multiple unpaid debts, and I think morally that servicing those debts requires me to oppose this proposal until such as time as I’ve had an opportunity to satisfy them.
My impulse on this is that the imperial power is generally weaker than the power of proposals; if Vovix favours Snisbo too emphatically then we can and should overturn that favour through the straightforward mechanism, as per Anthony 1.