Saturday, January 01, 2022

Proposal: The end of an era

Enacted unanimously, 7-0. Josh

Adminned at 03 Jan 2022 22:16:42 UTC

If Proposal: Spoiled Lineage was not enacted then this proposal does nothing.

Remove the first item of the rule Prioritisation and move it to the Appendix, immediately before the rule Mentors. Repeal all Perdurable rules.

With Imperial Lineage gone, the Perdurable Rules will have no effect other than allowing Brendan to remove them. This is just cleaning up, really.

Note that this proposal changes the Appendix so it is not a can opener proposal, and needs to be unanimous to be enacted.


Clucky: he/him

01-01-2022 19:02:17 UTC

If you wanna make it a can opener proposal, why not just change the “if Brendan feels the rules are broke” to something one “if Brendan feels like it”? (Or maybe just give any player that power)

Josh: Mastermind he/they

01-01-2022 20:05:40 UTC

I don’t mind this passing unanimously, I think even Brendan would accept that the Perdurable rules aren’t anything but ruleset bloat once Imperial Lineage is gone.

Brendan: he/him

02-01-2022 02:34:38 UTC



02-01-2022 02:46:56 UTC

for Get 6 or so players voting yes, and then we can feel justified poking the remaining players to get unanimity. It would feel neat to have that sort of unity on day 2 of 2022 (though it’s still not to be expected).

Josh: Mastermind he/they

02-01-2022 09:19:11 UTC

Also worth noting that the restrictions on Unanimity don’t actually kick in until someone makes them do so, which is a ‘may’ choice that we can put off infinitely if we want to.

Kevan: he/him

02-01-2022 11:07:53 UTC


Kevan: he/him

02-01-2022 11:09:01 UTC

Where does this leave the fact that the ruleset “comprises five Sections”, though?

Josh: Mastermind he/they

02-01-2022 11:23:31 UTC

I guess it leaves an empty section called Perdurable Rules, until such a time as we also fix 1.1.


02-01-2022 18:20:08 UTC

@Josh The “may” is in the description of the section, but I think the part that is important is always “on”: “if a Votable Matter would modify a Perdurable Rule, and that Votable Matter is not Unanimous, then that Votable Matter is not Popular.”

Josh: Mastermind he/they

02-01-2022 20:16:54 UTC

@TyGuy that section is explicitly called out as being flavour text, until someone makes it not be

Raven1207: he/they

02-01-2022 21:52:55 UTC



02-01-2022 22:48:36 UTC

@Josh, it WAS flavour text last dynasty, but now this clause is forever false: “If it is the Eighth Dynasty of Brendan and the player named Brendan is the Emperor, then the paragraph immediately following this one is flavour text:”

We can repeal that paragraph once Brendan stops being emperor, but it won’t change anything when we do.

Josh: Mastermind he/they

02-01-2022 22:50:15 UTC

Ah, yeah, fair enough.

Clucky: he/him

03-01-2022 07:54:23 UTC


Trapdoorspyder: he/him

03-01-2022 13:47:26 UTC
