Proposal: The end of an era
Enacted unanimously, 7-0. Josh
Adminned at 03 Jan 2022 22:16:42 UTC
If Proposal: Spoiled Lineage was not enacted then this proposal does nothing.
Remove the first item of the rule Prioritisation and move it to the Appendix, immediately before the rule Mentors. Repeal all Perdurable rules.
With Imperial Lineage gone, the Perdurable Rules will have no effect other than allowing Brendan to remove them. This is just cleaning up, really.
Note that this proposal changes the Appendix so it is not a can opener proposal, and needs to be unanimous to be enacted.
Clucky: he/him
If you wanna make it a can opener proposal, why not just change the “if Brendan feels the rules are broke” to something one “if Brendan feels like it”? (Or maybe just give any player that power)