Proposal: The Enemy Exists
To have a ruling of the existence of the Enemy would cause logistical issues in the future, after we have utterly destroyed said Enemy. Truly loyal Soldiers need no rule to tell them the Enemy exists and actively seeks to destroy us first; High Command recommends any other Soldiers are simply patient. Your day of heroism in the face of the forces of evil will come, and you will recognise that evil once it starts its relentless attacking of our great nation’s borders. (Scams involving Soldiers attempting to create excuses to report their comrades are under investigation.)
Reporting (but not resolving), Devenger.
(veto’d -Amnistar)
Adminned at 20 Feb 2009 11:59:41 UTC
To prevent traitors from corrupting our great nation’s military, periodic loyalty assurance tests like the following are a necessity.
Because the Enemy exists, create a new rule called “The Enemy Exists” with the text:
The Enemy exists.
Increase the Proposers Loyalty by 30.
Everyone that votes against this will be reported, per General’s Order “Doubt is against regulation” subsection 1, in accordance to dynastic rule 2.7.4, General’s Orders.