The First Campaign Season: Icy Caves
This is Campaign Number 1. Our battlefields are as follows:
Mushroom Mines: rich underground forest
Ice Floes: aquatic, aquatic, frozen
Ice Caves: underground, aquatic, frozen
Such terrain is difficult for regular troops to fight in. I need beasts able to conquer such terrain. Which Wizard can provide me with beasts able to conquer Sea, Ice, and cave?
As a reminder, we get at least 72 hours to submit a list of five creatures/empty slots, along with the chosen battlefield. Creatures sent to fight can’t be changed, removed from stable, or dueled with, until campaign closing.
You face five Emus, each of strength 1-6, and you may lose a creature. But the kingdom looks on, and for your sacrifice is promised 5+1 favor if you win!