Sunday, October 20, 2024

Proposal: The Laboratory

Illegal due to Lukas already having 2 pending Proposals at the time this one was posted.

Adminned at 20 Oct 2024 01:16:59 UTC

Create a new rule called “The Laboratory” with the following text:

The Laboratory consists of a number of named Rooms. Each Genetic Engineer has a publicly tracked Position that is a Room in the Laboratory, defaulting to the Computer Room. As a Daily Action, each Genetic Engineer may change their Position to a Room that is Connected to their current Position.

The following list gives Rooms in the Laboratory and their Connections:
* Computer Room, connected to Hallway 1
* Containment Cell 1, connected to Hallway 1
* Hallway 1, connected to Computer Room and Containment Cell 1.

This is the last of the initial proposals. I don’t have any specific purpose in mind for the Rooms listed here, this is just to help spark ideas.


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