Ascension Address: The Last Dynasty
Twelve times twelve emperors have held the nomic throne, and with each exchange of power, their sun wanes further. Surviving players are few, and weakened; the best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity. There is a sense of sapping, crumbling. An inkling that the life of the empire ebbs.
Deep in the grinding heart of time, teeth mesh; an escapement cracks; a tick like a bomb echoes through long halls of abandoned names. There is a brief lull, an anacrusis, before the great bell begins to sound its final warning:
The hour come round at last.
Repeal all Dynastic Rules except “Atomic Actions.” Replace “Mayor” with “Emperor” and “Councillor” with “Player” throughout the Ruleset.
There are still references to Auld Anchorage from last dynasty, namely the link on the sidebar and from the Blognomic main wiki page.