Friday, February 24, 2006

Proposal: The lesser of two weevils

Suicide by Josh. -Elias IX

Adminned at 26 Feb 2006 10:56:01 UTC

If the Proposal titled “What’s a Weevil” failed, this Proposal does nothing.

Add the following to the rule entitled ‘Weevils’:

Weevils may be fed items of Motley to boost their GPS. Feeding an item of Motley usually gives a +1 bonus to the Weevil’s GPS, but the Motley is permanently lost. Exceptions to this are listed below. Physical motley, such as that gained through injury, may not be fed to Weevils.

Albatross - Sets Weevil’s GPS to exactly 4
Any Citrus Fruit - Kills Weevil instantly
Bar - +3 GPS
Hooch - The Weevil becomes drunk, and drunk Weevils love to fight. It gains 10 GPS for 24 hours. At the end of that 24 hours, the Weevil’s GPS must revert to its previous value. During that 24 hours, it must fight every duel it possibly can (at least 5 duels). If the Weevil misses an opportunity to fight, or ends up fighting less than 5 duels, it dies
Lice - Weevil gains no GPS, but does get a taste for lice. Once per day, any Lice belonging to any Swashbuckler in the same location as the Weevil may be removed
Biscuit - Weevil goes into hibernation for 24 hours during which no game actions involving it may be undertaken, and at the end of which it gains 2 GPS
Cheese - Weevil gains +1 GPS and the owner gains the Motley Emmenthal

Add the following to the list of Special Motley:

Emmenthal, Lice, Eyepatch - Must be referred to in all BlogNomic posts as ‘The Hobo’. May train more than one Weevil.



24-02-2006 18:32:19 UTC

Hooch makes Weevils way too powerful.


24-02-2006 18:35:27 UTC

Under no circumstances should any Swashbuckler be allowed to eat a drunken Weevil.


24-02-2006 20:32:23 UTC

against Yeah, that would be ridiculous.


24-02-2006 22:01:27 UTC



24-02-2006 23:06:14 UTC


Elias IX:

25-02-2006 00:26:19 UTC

for. The end of days is approaching, so now is the time for any madness.

The Lone Amigo:

25-02-2006 02:43:14 UTC



25-02-2006 04:54:22 UTC

Any madness…  Like a plague of lice?


25-02-2006 04:55:02 UTC

CoV for

Josh: he/they

25-02-2006 10:34:15 UTC

On the subject of hooch, it’s quite powerful, but not overly so - the Weevil doesn’t keep any bonuses he gets from winning fights, as GPS is reset to its previous value.


25-02-2006 13:43:08 UTC


Kevan: he/him

25-02-2006 15:20:38 UTC

against Eating drunken weevils is evil.


25-02-2006 18:11:09 UTC



26-02-2006 00:18:16 UTC

Hoochin’ the weevil in itself is not overpowered, but if you eat a drunk weevil, you get +10 GPS instead of the +3 from the hooch.
Could be corrected with another proposal, but as it stands now against

Elias IX:

26-02-2006 03:25:02 UTC

CoV,  against

Josh: he/they

26-02-2006 12:59:31 UTC

against Good call. SK