Sunday, August 24, 2014

Proposal: The Loan Sharks

Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 24 Aug 2014 12:28:41 UTC

Enact a new rule, “The Loan Sharks”, with the following text:-

Any Seller can request a loan by making a post with the title “Requesting a Loan” and naming both another Seller and dollar amount, X, that is a positive integer. Then, if the named Seller makes a comment on the post with the keyword GRANTED, in all caps, the Seller that made the comment must reduce their own profit by 1.2X and increase the profit of the Seller who requested the loan by X, and also add to that Seller’s name in the GNDT the text string “Loan worth X from ____”, where X is the dollar amount and ____ is the name of the Seller that made the changes. No seller that has such a text string in their name in the GNDT may win the game. At any time, any seller may Pay Off The Loan by reducing their profit by 2X and increasing the profit of the Seller whom the Loan was from by 1.8X (1.8 multiplied by X), and then removing the corresponding text string from their name in the GNDT.

BAM! I can’t see any problems with that…



24-08-2014 15:26:19 UTC

Profits have to be Integers. How do we round 1.2 or 1.8 times X when it doesn’t come out even?



24-08-2014 16:50:33 UTC

for I think the rules cover this. “If a rule implies that the result of any calculation should be an integer, the result of the calculation is instead the result rounded towards 0.”


24-08-2014 17:10:17 UTC



24-08-2014 18:10:34 UTC

Modifying a Seller’s Name in the GNDT is a bad idea.  This should instead make a new column.


24-08-2014 18:23:15 UTC

against Still trying to modify a readonly, as Bucky implied. Also, you’re missing some capitalizations and the grammar is horrible (although that can be fixed by the enactor)


24-08-2014 18:48:40 UTC

haha, how dare you say my grammar is horrible. Also, I intended to say “goods” not “next to their name” but I’ll try again with another proposal…

and btw, who is Bucky??


24-08-2014 18:54:52 UTC
