Proposal: the lone contractor
Self Killed. Failed by Derrick.
Adminned at 25 Apr 2019 11:19:54 UTC
Add the following after the first atomic action listed in Contracts
If it has been 60 hours or more since the last bid on a project with only bids from 1 contractor, the Great Eccentric may “Award” a project by taking the following atomic action:
*Make a blog post stating the name of the project being awarded. This post is known as the project’s contract.
*In the contract state which contractor had the lowest bid. This is known as the project’s winner.
*List double the amount of the lowest bid. This is known as the project’s prize
*Resolve the resource ranges in the project’s estimation, and list this in the contract. This is known as the project’s cost.
*Change the status of the project to “contracted”
It’s probable that a contractor might be the only one to ever bid on a project. perhaps the others don’t want to lose their infrastructure by changing sites and so on.
Kevan: he/him