Monday, April 16, 2007

Proposal: The Perils of Complex Lifeforms


Failed to achieve majority vote.

Adminned at 17 Apr 2007 20:25:02 UTC

Add a new Rule titled “Unstable Balance” with the following text:

There exists an action called “Check Diversity”.  A Lifeform may occasionally Check Diversity, by posting the text “Check Diversity: (VAR)” to the GNDT, where VAR is the name of an evolutionary variable which has a single number associated with it.
If there are exactly two or three lifeforms with a single value of VAR, each gains X points of Nutrition, where X is eir Complexity.
If there are one or more than four lifeforms with a single value of VAR, each loses X point Nutrition, where X is eir Complexity.

Am I doing it right now?


Clucky: he/him

16-04-2007 13:45:03 UTC

against Too easy to kill off lifeforms. If a lifeform has complexity four, e probably has a unique value of VAR. It would take three other lifeforms working together to easily kill that lifeform off.


16-04-2007 14:54:20 UTC

against I agree with Clucky, although I must say I like the idea. If the Nutrition gains/losses were smaller I would be in favor.


16-04-2007 15:18:13 UTC

just another thought…I think it would be more interesting if “Check Diversity” required a DICE5 roll to determine which Evolutionary Variable was to be checked.


16-04-2007 22:21:27 UTC


Amnistar: he/him

18-04-2007 01:38:38 UTC

against To easy to get people in trouble intentionally.


18-04-2007 02:44:38 UTC

against I like the dice roll idea.  In fact, having this be done with the weekly Nutrition reduction, automatically could be interesting.  It’s designed to make people different, but not *too* different, which I find amusing.