Thursday, January 18, 2007

Proposal: The Rejected and the Removed

Timed out (2-6)
Failed by Hix

Adminned at 20 Jan 2007 14:15:17 UTC

I think it’d be cool if Olympians could form rogue teams and compete for those teams rather than Blognomic

Add a bullet to Rivals 2.2:

Any team that an Olympian has formed

and add a new rule entitled Team Proliferation stating:

An Olympian may occasionally remove emself from eir current team and form a new one. To do so e must post a notice with the name of the new team in the title, informing all other Olympians of eir decision.

An Olympian may also, occasionally, try to join an existing team that has been founded by another Olympian. To do so, e must remove emself from any team to which e belongs and post a proposal declaring which team e wants to join in the title. The founder of the team may vote FOR, AGAINST or VETO, and all other members of the team the Olympian wants to join may vote FOR, AGAINST, or IMPERIAL. Any votes made by Olympians who do not belong to the team that is trying to be joined are not counted when enacting the proposal, and Quorum for the proposal is defined as half of all Olympians in the team that appears in the title.

If an Olympian leaves eir team and is not accepted by a team e tried to join, e does not simply return to eir previous team. E must wait to try to join another team, or e may create a team of eir own.

A team that is not RandMcNally, Excalibur Homeland, or Klodistan ceases to exist the moment it has 0 Olympian members.




18-01-2007 14:41:29 UTC

Read Rule 2.7 and consider the implications of what you’re suggesting.  Who in their right mind would ever do this?

Clucky: he/him

18-01-2007 16:59:32 UTC

against I dislike the idea of Olympians forming other teams. We should all be in this together.


18-01-2007 18:36:48 UTC



18-01-2007 19:16:49 UTC

“The Blognomic Team consists exclusively of all Olympians (other than any one or more Olympians who have withdrawn from the Blognomic Team or been ejected from the Blognomic Team, to the extent permitted by the Rules). No Olympian may belong to more than one Team. Unless the context requires otherwise, the term “Team” means the Blognomic Team or any rival team listed in Rule 2.2.”

This seems to be provisional to new teams popping up. It already has the context for withdrawing from the Blognomic Team.

Also, as far as 2.7 goes, Blognomic doesn’t have near the score that our rivals have. 2.7 will have to be ammended at some point, or our rivals will have to get a whole lot easier. Plus, whose to say that there couldn’t be a new winning condition using this team-founding concept?

As far as all being together, how was 2.7 allowed to pass in the first place if that was the only goal?

This rule is just letting people have the option of joining and forming new teams. Whether or not people will do it should not be a factor in it’s passing, seeing as how the nature of a nomic might cause people to be very inclined to change later. Does the proposal hold water? Could it add interest to the game, rather than the same plug and chug stuff we’re doing right now? Those are questions you should base your vote on.


18-01-2007 19:19:34 UTC

against  I would vote for  if there was some provision in Rule 2.7 about Olympian-created teams. As it is, an Olympian could create a team, wait for someone else to join it (who has a lower score than them) and then leave and win.


18-01-2007 23:00:35 UTC

Bah, I thought 2.7 meant that an Olympian had to have a score greater than all teams in order to clain victory.


19-01-2007 00:18:41 UTC

alethiophile:  Your use of the FOR icon is overriding your intended vote.


19-01-2007 02:22:25 UTC


Elias IX:

19-01-2007 03:58:43 UTC



19-01-2007 18:11:16 UTC



19-01-2007 19:17:28 UTC
