Declaration of Victory: The Results
Passes 7-0. Now to decide who gets to be next…
Adminned at 29 Dec 2007 10:16:17 UTC
I ran the thing like I was supposed to. I won three events, Aaron won three events, Jack tied with me once and spike won one.
In the case of a tie, as was with Aaron and me, we use acorns and I had more acorns. So I achived victory.
I probably messed up somewhere. I wasn’t super careful. But honestly the dynasty was dying so I hope no one is that picky about making me do it totally perfect.
Anyways I don’t even want to host. Aaron was the only one who got close to me, so if he wants to be emporor I’ll pass it off to him assuming this DoV passes. If Aaron doesn’t want to, I’ll leave it open to anyone else who wants it—just post what kind of dynasty you want and I’ll pick my favourite.
I defer to Aaron; but I have a dynasty idea that I think could be fun and original.