Proposal: The Scorn Ultimatum
Popular, exceeds quorum 8-0. Enacted by card.
Adminned at 13 Jul 2017 05:25:14 UTC
Add a subrule to “Pact Magic” called “Scorn”:-
A Pactmaker can Scorn any Promise made by another Pactmaker (unless that other Pactmaker is undergoing Extreme Seizures, or is the subject of a Magic Backlash Official Post): upon doing so, the Scorned Pactmaker gains 1 Mana. Scorn is tracked by appending “[Scorned by Name]” to the end of the Promise, where “Name” is the Scorner’s name. A single Pactmaker cannot Scorn more than five Promises.
While a Pactmaker is undergoing Extreme Seizures as a result of a broken Promise, any Pactmaker who is Scorning that Promise may cease Scorning it: if they do so, they gain 3 Mana.
Allowing players to bet on which promises might be broken, encouraging the creation of non-trivial ones.
Madrid: Idle