Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Proposal: The “Slightly Better Than A Diceroll” Endgame [Victory]

Self-killed. Josh

Adminned at 26 May 2020 20:27:54 UTC

If either Proposal: Mayor of Sparta [Victory] or Proposal: The “comparison of hashed suspect lists” endgame [Victory] was enacted, remove any additions made by these proposals to the ruleset.

Add a new rule to the ruleset, entitled Onward:

A Candidate is an Amnesiac who has the Posture of Mayor, and who was an Amnesiac at noon on the 24th of May 2020.

An Adjudicator is an Amnesiac who has the Posture of Imposter.

If this rule is more than 24 hours old then no Amnesiac may change their Posture.

Once in the dynasty, a Candidate may send an Offer, which is a private message to all Adjudicators containing their proposal for the next Dynasty.

Once in the dynasty, as a communal action, and only after this rule is at least 48 hours old OR all Adjudicators have received one Offer from each Candidate (whichever is sooner), an Adjudicator may make an Options Post. An Options Post is a votable matter which contains the text of every Offer recieved by the Adjudicators, anonymised such that the authorship of each Offer is not explicitly stated.

Each Amnesiac may cast a vote on the Options Post. To be considered a valid vote, each vote comment should contain text indicating support for exactly one of the Offers available. An Amnesiac may not cast a vote in support of their own Offer. If the Options Post is enacted as Popular then the Author of the Offer indicated by the most votes is the winner (if there is a tie then the enacting admin should choose between them randomly). The identity of the winner should then be disclosed by any Adjudicator by means of a post to the blog; that Amnesiac may set their status to Remembered and has achieved victory. If the Options Post is unpopular then any Amnesiac should remove this rule from the ruleset and then immediately reinstate it.

No Adjudicator may publicly or pirvately disclose which Offer has been made by which Candidate, except in the circumstances detailed in this rule, and no Candidate may publicly or privately disclose which is the Offer that they made.

Tantusar commented on Slack that it’s been a long run of not ideal dynasties. Let’s try the tyranny of the masses for a bit.


Clucky: he/him

26-05-2020 16:10:37 UTC

why do we need the whole Adjudicator process? Can’t people just post their ideas?

Also what is to stop someone from pitching one dynasty idea and then having the actual dynasty be something completely different?

Tantusar: he/they

26-05-2020 16:11:44 UTC

Also, Offer Post and Options Post seem to be referring to the same thing, but I haven’t the foggiest if they actually are.

Josh: he/they

26-05-2020 16:25:16 UTC

Thanks Tantu, I’ll edit.

Clucky - I’ve had Kevan muttering reprisals at me for various game actions this dynasty, I would personally rather not have this be a popularity contest.

Josh: he/they

26-05-2020 16:29:21 UTC

The less sarcastic answer is that I don’t think track record should count here - I’d prefer if the best idea won out rather than there being a soft deferral to emperors with high win counts.

And no, there isn’t a mechanism stopping Candidates for reneging on their offer, but I don’t see what the point would be.

Kevan: he/him

26-05-2020 16:37:16 UTC

I like the idea. I’m not sure it solves Tantusar’s concern about flawed dynasties; I would have thought a dynasty’s success was more about its Emperor and its active players than its ostensible theme, but I guess it’s possible people would want to move away from anything that sounded too metafictional or secretive.

Would note that a “communal action” isn’t anything by itself (the ruleset only defines “communal daily/weekly action”), but I think “once in the dynasty” covers it anyway.

I was very much hoping to find a Traitor scam in the posting of the anonymised lists (where a rogue Adjudicator could legally post “oh look, only one option”), but can’t yet see anything.


26-05-2020 16:37:57 UTC

against Interesting idea, but given that there’s an (intentional?) scam in there, this seems clearly worse than the other options.

(For anyone who missed it: you can become a Mayor, submit an offer, then become an Adjudicator and have your offer continue to count.)

Various other combinations of posture changes seem likely to cause, if not a scam, at least weird and undesirable situations. (For example, if there are no Adjudicators at some point in time after a candidate’s already submitted an Offer.)

There’s also the fact that Adjudicators will know who submitted which proposal while voting, which seems somewhat contrary to the point of the anonymisation? “You vote on proposals submitted anonymously if you have a chance of winning, but know who submitted which proposal if you don’t have a chance of winning” seems like it’s looking at the wrong condition to determine who gets to know what was submitted and what wasn’t. It’d make more sense to pick someone unlikely to be biased towards specific people as the (only) Adjudicator.

Josh: he/they

26-05-2020 16:41:46 UTC

Not a deliberate scam, ais; really just one rooted in not being able to see the point of what the scam would be, as that would make you no longer a Candidate and would mean that your offer was no longer included in the Options Post.


26-05-2020 17:07:20 UTC

Nothing in the rule restricts offers in the Options Posts to those made by Candidates (which is so suspicious that it made me think of a deliberate scam).

Being a Candidate is required to make an Offer, but it isn’t required for anything beyond when the Offer is made (just like you can change your posture back from Sheriff after collecting evidence).

Josh: he/they

26-05-2020 17:12:33 UTC

I don’t think I agree; I think that an Offer can only be from a candidate, and ceasing to be a candidate makes the message no longer an Offer. Sadly this is vote locked so I can fix, but do remember that I’m not particularly from the legalistic tradition of rule drafting.

Kevan: he/him

26-05-2020 17:14:24 UTC

Oh, hmm, posting a list of a thousand numbered entries anonymised to the point of oblivion (or just repeated a hundred times each), but where the Adjudicator would know how to cast a valid vote on it themselves.

But this would be killed with a CfJ as soon as they tried it, I don’t think it could have been completed immediately.

Tantusar: he/they

26-05-2020 17:28:56 UTC

against nyeh


26-05-2020 17:35:09 UTC

“Once in the dynasty, a Candidate may send an Offer, which is a private message to all Adjudicators containing their proposal for the next Dynasty.” – where does that say that an Offer can only be by someone who is currently a Candidate?

By that reasoning, idling would make any Proposals you’d posted no longer a Proposal.

Josh: he/they

26-05-2020 17:40:47 UTC

I mean, it makes your votes no longer votes

Josh: he/they

26-05-2020 17:44:33 UTC

against s/k. Per elsewhere, the next dynasty is likely to be the switch dynasty. Shame to waste good ideas on what will be an unsettled move.


26-05-2020 17:46:12 UTC

There’s a rule explicitly about that, though: “A non-Amnesiac never has a Vote, even if they were an Amnesiac previously and had cast a valid Vote.” If not for that rule, I think an idle Amnesiac’s votes would count.