The Statolith speaks, gently
Beautiful Organs.
In this dynasty, I will from now on tend to veto the following, without spite or malice, in the name of balance.
Vast, baroque proposals. It’s not much fun looking for loopholes that arrive ready-drilled in a massive block of rules. Try making smaller proposals. There are many of us, and I feel it is keeping some of us from proposing rules to continuously wade through those sprawling tangles.
Proposals that are thrown out unfinished to be endlessly discussed and reshaped. This dynasty has a strong collaborative element, but this is again locking out anyone who is not following all the discussion threads, and it is creating unpleasant undercurrents socially. You propose, someone votes, that’s what happened.
Proposals design to tease an individual. By all means, it is part of Blognomic to target an individual in the game, and there are complex mechanisms at work around that. But if I feel it’s done in bad spirit, I will veto.
There will be balance.
derrick: he/him
All hail the mighty statolith!
Mea culpa on the first two. I’ll try to do better .