Sunday, March 09, 2025

Proposal: The Tax Man

If “Supporting the Community” was not enacted, the rest of this Proposal has no effect.

Add a new rule named “Taxes” with the following text:

If the date is on or after September 16, 2025 00:00 UTC, any Seeker or the Custodian may remove this paragraph. The rest of this rule is flavor text.

As a Weekly Communal Action, any Seeker or the Custodian can perform Collect Taxes as an atomic action with the following steps:
* Start with a Taxes, which is a number rounded down to 2 decimal places, of 0.00.
* For each Seeker, multiply their Wealth by 0.10 and add the result to Taxes.
* Divide the Taxes equally by the number of Resources that exist and add that result to the Funding of each Resource.

Taxes increase the Funding for Resources, with a clause so that it will be a week before this kicks in. Starting off with a flat tax rate spread equally, but the intention is that somehow the rates will be adjustable between Resources and the tax structure could become progressive taxes if desired.


JonathanDark: he/him

09-03-2025 22:14:34 UTC

This doesn’t have to be the only way to make Funding work. I thought about a way to directly affect Funding for particular Resources, since you could benefit yourself but also potentially your rival Seekers, but I didn’t fully flesh that idea out.

If this fails, and no one else revisits the idea, I may come back around to it.


10-03-2025 02:07:22 UTC

against I don’t think the Benefit should only be going up like this. I envision the Benefit as always hovering around 1 rather than constantly climbing (which might lead to things spiralling out of control).

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