Proposal: The Victory Condition III: you can’t never get enough!
Timed out 5-6.—Yoda
Adminned at 16 Jun 2011 12:19:53 UTC
Change the first three words in Rule “Farmland” to “Some Farmers have”.
Change rule “The House” to:
Every Plot contains a house. For the purposes of movement, a house is considered to be a square to the left of, and adjacent to all squares in the first column of its plot.
If a zombie at any time moves into a house, the Plot where the house lay is Overrun.
When a Plot is Overrun, its owner loses all the Sun they own, and set their Juice to 10.
In addition, one of these two things shall happen:
* If the Owner of the Zombie that moved into the house already owns a Plot, the owner of the Overrun Plot loses all their Wood and their Plot is removed from the Garden Patch.
* Otherwise, the Owner of the Zombie becomes the new owner of the Plot. They swap Wood values with the former owner of the Plot, and gain 100 Sun.The zombie that moved into the house is then removed from the game. This zombie is not considered to be destroyed for the purposes of rule “Zombejuice”.
Whenever the Landlord does not own any Plot, they immediately receive a new Plot after a random Plot, and gain an additional 100 Sun and 20 Wood.
In Rule “Resources”, change:
As a weekly action, a Farmer may Harvest by adding 100 to their Sun.
As a weekly action, a Farmer that owns a Plot may Harvest by adding 100 to their Sun.
As a weekly action, a Farmer that does not own a Plot may Perform Juicy Rituals by adding 40 to their Juice.
Add a new Dynastic Rule, called “Victory?”:
Whenever a Farmer is the only Farmer owning a Plot other than the Landlord, that Farmer achieves Victory.
Change the last Paragraph in rule Farmland (not considering subrules as part of that Rule) to:
Whenever a Farmer idles, their Plot is destroyed. New and unidling Farmers shall not receive a Plot, unless they have idled withtin the last 3 weeks, in this case, they get a Plot exactly equal to the Plot they owned right before idling, zombies included.
Repeal rule “Defeats and Victories”, if it exists.
Remove all the Plots marked as Inactive from the Garden Patch.
Ok, I hope there are no concerns left.
“Can’t never”. Bleh.