Proposal: The Winter
Timed Out. Passes 4 - 2—- Clucky
Adminned at 29 Jan 2022 19:42:45 UTC
If the rule Departments contains the sentence “The CEO has the sole power to set and/or change an Employee’s department, which is publicly tracked”, change it to
The CEO has the power to set and/or change an Employee’s department, with the exception that they are unable to change an Employee’s Department to or from On Strike, except as described in the rule On Strike. An Employee’s Department is publicly tracked.
Add the following to the list of available Departments in the rule Departments:
* On Strike
Add the following as a subrule to the rule Departments, called On Strike:
An Employee may set their Department to On Strike as a Weekday Action. All Employees whose Department is On Strike may be said to be Striking. A Striking Employee must set their Productivity to zero and may not increase it by any means. A Striking Employee may have a Demand, which is free text containing no wikimedia formatting, and which must specifically and solely demand that the CEO carry out a single action that they are permitted to carry out by the ruleset; and which defaults to blank.
An Employee may only perform a Picket action if they belong to the On Strike Department. As a Weekday Action, an Employee may Picket, which is an atomic action with the following steps:
* Add or change their Demand
* Decrease the company budget and increase the company debt by x%, where x is the number of Striking EmployeesThe CEO may freely Accede to a Demand, by carrying out an Action demanded of them by a Striking Employee (ensuring that that action is otherwise legally carried out) and then changing that Employee’s Department.
lendunistus: he/him
this seems like it’s easily abuseable (a bunch of players going on strike with a demand to pass a proposal that includes a win condition, a bunch of players going on strike with a demand to pass a proposal to give a player the required things to achieve said wincon, etc)