Proposal: Themepark
Self-Killed -Larrytheturtle
Adminned at 17 Aug 2013 20:44:36 UTC
If “I Stand Corrected” fails, this proposal does nothing.
Enact a new rule entitled “Points”:
Every Player also has a non-negative integer number of Points, tracked in the GNDT column “Points”. An entering player gets the average number of Points among all active Players, rounded up.
Give each Player 10 Points.
Enact a new rule entitled “Teller”:
There is exactly one Player who is the Teller at any given time. When the Teller is done Telling, they shall submit a votable matter post with a title beginning with “BID:”. In the comments of the post, each Player may Bid a number of Points no greater than the number of Points that they have. The Bid may be marked as Enacted once it has been pending for at least 24 hours, and the Player who Bid the most becomes the Teller.
I thought a bidding mechanic might be interesting. Maybe like a sort of temporary emperor?
Unless I am mistaken this never says you subtract the points that you BID. There is also no teller to start according to this so how would we ever use this, I would suggest clause saying that creates a votable matter post automatically when this passes. I do like the idea though.