Proposal: “there’s a rumor going round that the abbot will have us work longer hours in a day”
Quorum reached. passes 10-0—Clucky
Adminned at 27 Oct 2020 02:04:02 UTC
Replace “Each Monk has a non-negative integer number of Turns, which is tracked on the “Mosaic” page on the Wiki and by default is 5 and has a maximum value of 10. Any attempts to set a Monks turns higher than 10 instead set it to 10. As a weekly action, a Monk may increase their Turns by 5.” with
Each Monk has a non-negative integer number of Turns, which is tracked on the “Mosaic” page on the Wiki and by default is 5 and has a maximum value of 20. Any attempts to set a Monks turns higher than 20 instead set it to 20. As a weekly action, a Monk may increase their Turns by 8.
Increase each Monk’s Turns by 3.
the 8 is intentional
Raven1207: Monarchple he/they