Thursday, February 22, 2024

Proposal: There’s only so much space to go around

Withdrawn. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 23 Feb 2024 21:20:00 UTC

Add the following to the list of Structures:

Housing || Wood, Stone || - || -

Create a subrule of “Serfs” named “Capacity,” which reads:

Each Vassal has a maximum number of Serfs they may have, called their Capacity. Each Vassal’s Capacity is equal to 5, plus 1 for each Housing structure they have. Each Housing structure further increases their Capacity depending on its Size: +2 for Medium, +4 for Large, and +9 for Gargantuan.

To the subrule of “Castles” called “Structures,” add:

Each Vassal may have at most one unique Structure of each Size.

In the rule “Waves”, add the following as a substep of the step “* otherwise, subtract Defense from the Enemy’s Strength and set Defense to zero”:

  ***** If the Structure is Housing, reduce the Size of the Housing (from Gargantuan to Large, or Large to Medium, or Medium to Small). If the Size of the Housing is already Small, remove it from the Vassal’s Structures.

I contemplated a mechanic that shrunk your Housings if they got damaged, but couldn’t find a way to make it elegant.


JonathanDark: he/him

22-02-2024 20:41:51 UTC

One way might be to just destroy the Housing if it is involved in any attack during Charging a Wave.

Or if you want it to be more granular, if the Housing is involved in any attack during Charging a Wave, it goes down 1 Size. If it was already Small, then it is destroyed.

The latter idea would approximate the Capacity getting smaller as Housing was damaged.

naught: Idle

22-02-2024 21:16:06 UTC

The only way that I can think of to check if it was involved in a Wave is if its Defense went down to 0, and I don’t really want to give Housing a Defense value, even if it’s just 1. Maybe that’s just overly cautious of me

JonathanDark: he/him

22-02-2024 22:43:10 UTC

Here’s what I was thinking. Something like this:

In the rule “Waves”, add the following as a substep of the step “* otherwise, subtract Defense from the Enemy’s Strength and set Defense to zero”:

***** If the Structure is Housing, reduce the Size of the Housing (from Gargantuan to Large, or Large to Medium, or Medium to Small). If the Size of the Housing is already Small, remove it from the Vassal’s Structures.


JonathanDark: he/him

22-02-2024 22:45:59 UTC

If you only want to do the reduction once per Wave, then something like this:

***** If the Structure is Housing, and this step has not already been performed for this instance of Charging a Wave, reduce the Size of the Housing (from Gargantuan to Large, or Large to Medium, or Medium to Small). If the Size of the Housing is already Small, remove it from the Vassal’s Structures.

naught: Idle

22-02-2024 22:57:59 UTC

I’ve added it. Ty for the assist

Desertfrog: Idle

23-02-2024 09:53:23 UTC

Doesn’t “each Vassal may have at most one unique Structure of each Size” mean there can be only four Structures per Vassal? It may also be problematic when attacked Housings shrink

naught: Idle

23-02-2024 11:51:10 UTC

Yeah, that line didn’t come out the way I wanted it to.

against  Withdrawn