Thirty-Seventh Game: Raven1207 vs Clucky
Raven1207 is the starting player. The Grand Canal is the Devil. The Bersaglio is 21. Active Tricks: Il Toro, L’Aria, Il Verme, Il Corpo Celeste, Il Propore and Tripletta.
Raven1207 is the starting player. The Grand Canal is the Devil. The Bersaglio is 21. Active Tricks: Il Toro, L’Aria, Il Verme, Il Corpo Celeste, Il Propore and Tripletta.
I play the 6 of Coins, scoring L’Aria for 1 point giving me a total of 5 points.
I play an Ace of Coins, scoring another Il Toro for 4 points giving me a total of 9 points.
I use Arlecchino to replay the King of Batons, scoring another Il Toro for 4 points giving me a total of 13 points
I play a Knight of Batons. Scoring one final Aria for 1 point, giving me a final total of 14 points.
Game is Clean, Clucky wins 14 points to 2. Clucky gains 3 Pegs and 3 Magistrelli, Raven loses 3 Pegs.
Both players gain 1 Peg from their Mask; Arlecchino gains Moda.
Raven1207: Monarchple he/they