Proposal: This little light of mine
Times out and passes at 9-0. -Purplebeard
Adminned at 21 Jun 2014 07:54:06 UTC
In the Rule “Gear”, replace “Throwing Knife (Guildhall, Blacksmith)” with
Throwing Knife (Blacksmith)
Add the following item to the end of the bulleted list in “Gear”:
Candle (Guildhall): Allows the carrying Assassin to be aware of the amount of Stealthed Assassins that share his Position. Prevents the carrier from using the Street Action Stealth. If the carrier is Stealthed, he shall cease being Stealthed at the next Bell Toll.
In the Rule “Notes”, change item 7 in the list to read
If multiple Assassins’ Positions are the same Location, the Referee privately alerts each of those Assassins of the names of all of the other Assassins in that Location who are not Stealthed. If an Assassin in that Location is carrying a Candle, the Referee shall further alert him to the number of Stealthed Assassins in that Location, if that number is greater than zero.
As of yet there is no way to find Stealthed Assassins, so here is one way to accomplish that.
Kevan: he/him