Proposal: This Thing Is My Thing
Edited per the instructions in Proposal: SomeThing in the Water.
Enacted 7-0. Josh
Adminned at 15 Aug 2020 08:25:29 UTC
Add the following as the fourth item in the list of characteristics a Location can have in the rule Locations:
* A Distinct DIscovery, generated as per the process set out in the rule Making New Distinct Discoveries. A Location is said to have a Dense concentration of its Distinct Discovery, a moderate concentration of the Distinct Discoveries of any Location to which it is Linked and any General Discovery, and a sparse concentration of any other Distinct Discovery.
Rewrite the rule Animals, Vegetables and Minerals as follows:
Numerous Discoveries exist on this planet. Each Discovery has the following characteristics, where the Name and Description of each Discovery is always flavour text:
*A Name
*A Classification: Each Discovery must be either an Animal, Vegetable or Mineral.
*A Dispersal: A Discovery can be either General or Distinct [x], where x is the name of the Location with which it is associated.
*A Description: A brief description of what the Discovery looks like.Those discovered so far are:-
Mineral, General
A powdery orange Mineral.Sudorite.
Mineral, General
A faintly glowing silver Mineral.Vertorite.
Mineral, General
A glittering dark grey Mineral.
Add a new subrule to the rule Animals, Vegetables and Minerals, entitled Making New Distinct Discoveries:
Whenever a Pathfinder is called upon to create a new Distinct Discovery, they must do so by carrying out the following atomic action:
* Give it a Classification, which must be either Animal, Vegetable or Mineral, at random.
* Give it a name, which must take the format of: the word Unknown, followed by the word from the EFF Wordlist randomly selected to be in the name of that Location, with a suffix denoting place of origin (such as (-ian or -ese)), followed by its Classification.
* Set its Dispersal to Distinct [x], where x is the name of the Location where it was created.
* Set its Description to “Description Pending”.
* Add the Discovery to the list in the rule Animals, Vegetables and Minerals.
* Submit a description of the Discovery to the Computer. The Computer must then check the description to confirm that it would, in practice, not cease to be flavour text when added to the ruleset. They should then replace the words “Description Pending” in the Description of that Discovery to the description with which they have been provided.
Create a new Distinct Discovery for all Locations, as if they were generated from each Location in question.
If there exists a rule called Prospecting, change all instances of the term “Discovery Type” in it (or in the rule Application) to “Discovery Classification”, and change all instances of the term “add a Discovery” to “create a Distinct Discovery”.
Raven1207: he/they