Proposal: Thriller night
Timed out 2-5. Failed by card.
Adminned at 24 Apr 2017 04:13:54 UTC
Add to “Bloggers”:
Bloggers have a favorite fruit, which at creation, is determined by a FRUIT roll in the GNDT. Bloggers whose favorite fruit is a Tangelo are from Zahndorf and are Werewolves.
The favorite fruit of the current Bloggers is whatever Pokes has determined them to be when they created them.
Got to fix that there are no werewolves in Zahndorf yet.
Oracular rufio:
You’re worried about the lack of werewolves in Zahndorf, but not in Pays-LOUPS?
because this doesn’t actually do anything and the method for choosing werewolves is dumb. I wouldn’t be averse to a loup-garou or two, though.