Proposal: Throw more engineers at it
proposal passes, 3-2 rider fails 1-4—Clucky
Adminned at 21 Jul 2012 14:45:58 UTC
In rule 2.1 “Robots”: Reduce the Reputation level of every Robot by 1.
Replace the following text [in the Forklift section]:
Additional Powers: Any Worker with Forklift as their Robot need only spend 3 Quota to perform a Shift Change.
Additional Powers: When activating the Forklift, after determining which machine is activated, the Worker may instead activate the machine directly above the original machine on the Factory Floor.
If a majority of the EVCs on this proposal contain the phrase “one for all”, set the robot belonging to the Worker named “kops” to the Forklift in the GNDT, and until that value is changed again, the worker “kops” is exempt from the text “If a Worker’s Reputation is ever less than their Robot’s Reputation Level, and their Robot is not the Ambler, their Robot immediately becomes the Ambler ” in the ruleset.
Ambler is becoming tiresome and tedious. It’s been over a month and nobody has gained access to any other robot besides the duster, so… have some forklifts! This should *significantly* speed up machine repair, which I think we all want.
I know ECVs suck but since I’m the only active player with < 2 reputation, I thought you guys might have it in your hearts to let me in on the fun too. Hopefully this method will avoid Clucky’s ire since he seems to think all my actions are geared towards getting reputation for myself only. Admittedly, my Worker’s actions *are* selfish, but I contend my Nomic actions (like this one) are not.
one for all