Friday, August 25, 2006

Tidy up

Aran’s Heisenburg Loop effect is much messier than the rest of the ruleset.  I’d like to fix that up - and I warrant that I haven’t changed the effect of the rule - just the spelling, punctuation and grammar.

Remove all the subrules of “Temporal Uncertainty” and replace them as follows (using bullets in the wiki as appropriate).

Add a subrule titled “Out of Time” with the following body.

When a Traveller is “out of time”:

E cannot perform “Marching Time”.
Local proposals have no effect on em.
E cannot change, create or remove Node Events.
E cannot vote on local proposals.

Add a subrule titled “rellevarT lamron” with the following body.

When a Traveller is a “rellevarT lamron”:

Upon performing “Marching Time”, e will move one day backwards instead of one day forward.
Arrow of time reversed: e is known as rellevarT (see below)
When posting or commenting, e will write backwards.  This does not apply to templates or GNDT comments.

  Example: .sdraekcab etirw lliw e ,gnitnemmoc ro gnitsop nehW

When creating or redescribing a Node Event, the description will be written backwards but the time and the keywords will be written forwards.

Special rules for backward writing:

When a proposal that was written backward is enacted, the enacted text will be written backwards.
If a rule has two meanings, one when reading forward and another when reading backward, the forward version takes precedence.
The voting mechanism is not effected: when voting, the last vote takes precedence.
Any violation of backward writing is a Chronocrime.

Add a subrule titled “Melt Down” with the following body.

When a Traveller has a Melt Down, e cannot post or vote exept for voting on a Call for Judgment untill e resolves the Melt Down.  However, e may post in the GNDT or comment in general.

Add a subrule titled “Melt Down Resolution” with the following body.

A traveller can resolve a melt down by performing the following actions.

Post “DICE3 resolve meltdown” in the gndt.
Where the result of the DICE3 is d:
  if d=1 the traveller sets eir tl to 1419/11/26
  if d=2 the traveller sets eir influence to DICEX where X is eir current influence.
  if d=3 all Node Events containing the travellers name as a keyword are deleted except Node Events with the [TIME BOMB] keyword.
Remove all asterisks (Heisenberg Loops) from eir GNDT.



25-08-2006 12:22:03 UTC

Doh - not a proposal.  I’ll try again.