Proposal: Tidying up BUC status
Enacted 8-0, with some slight generosity around the instruction to change the rule “Manshion Phase”. Josh
Adminned at 02 Jan 2023 17:32:22 UTC
Repeal the subrule “Don’t try on stuff you haven’t BUC tested”.
Change the first two paragraphs in the rule “Items” to read:-
Items are objects that can be held by an Explorer. Items have a name and zero or more Properties. Full name of an Item consists of names of its Properties followed by the Item’s name. Names of subrules of this rule are the names of Items defined in those subrules.
Full names of held items are publicly tracked per Explorer in Banewood Mansion.
If an Item is picked up in a Room, it becomes held by the Explorer. It must be removed from the Items publicly tracked for the Room in Banewood Mansion. When the Item that is not Cursed, Blessed, or Uncursed, is picked up using the Grab action, the Narrator must roll a DICE6: if the value rolled is 1 or 2, the Item gets the Cursed Property, and if the value rolled is 5 or 6, the item gets the Blessed Property, otherwise, it gets Uncursed Property.
Change the subrule “Flashlight”:-
When a Flashlight is held, the Explorer holding it can use it by adding or removing the Unlit Property. Each Explorer may hold a maximum of 1 Flashlight at any time. A Flashlight without the Unlit Property may be referred to as a lit Flashlight.
When a lit Flashlight is in a Room or is held by an Explorer in a Room, that Room has an additional light source of Flashlight.
In the rule “Manshion Phase”, change “remove each item named Lit Flashlight or Unlit Flashlight” to “remove each item named Flashlight”.
In both subrules “Monkey’s Paw” (or “Monkey Paw”) and “Fragments”, change the first paragraph to read:-
This Item is Cursed.
In both subrules “Holy Water” and “Unholy Water”, change the first sentence to:-
This Item is Uncursed.
and change “An Explorer who held this Item” to “An Explorer who holds this Item”.
Did I miss anything?
Josh: he/they
The change to the core Item rule interacts negatively with Proposal: Deuce (erases a change).