Proposal: Ties Are For Suits, Not Contests
Withdrawn. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 29 Aug 2023 17:29:37 UTC
In the rule “The Conclave”, after the text “The single District whose Score is highest on each Plenary Session receives an Anointment;” add this text:
if there is more than one District whose Score is highest for that Plenary Session, then no District receives an Anointment for that Plenary Session.”
In the same rule, after the text “the single District with the most Anointments has achieved Victory” add this text:
; if, under the preceding condition, there is more than one District with the most Anointments, the City must publicly randomly select a District from the Districts with the most Anointments, and the District thus selected achieves victory”
It’s a high-stakes game, ties don’t count in awarding Anointments, but you still lose the resources you committed.
If everyone is tapped out or Abandoned such that no one can reach 3 Anointments, and there’s a tie in highest Anointments, roll off among the tied highest. That seems the most fair to me. I’d rather not get into convoluted equations that we’re going to spend days arguing about just to determine a secondary win condition.
Kevan: he/him
If a resource-based tiebreak seems unachievable, we could tiebreak it on something like the order of Anointments being gained - either whoever got there first, or last. Random seems frustrating for the loser if it comes down to a coin flip - that it’s not even a both-win mantle pass where they get historical credit for a shared victory, it’s just a straight loss.
(Ironically the game of Penny Press that we’re playing at the moment is the first time that I can ever remember seeing a boardgame invoke a coin flip to break endgame ties.)