Monday, August 24, 2015

Proposal: Total Institution

Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 24 Aug 2015 22:51:14 UTC

Add a new Rule to the Ruleset, entitled Total Institution.

Each Prisoner has an Alignment field in the GNDT.

The Alignment field of a Prisoner, except for the Warden, must be one of the following: Withdrawal; Rebellion; Colonization; Conversion. The Warden’s Alignment must be blank. If a Rule does not provide instructions for the case in which a Prisoner has a blank Alignment, then the Warden is considered to have the Alignment Conversion.
A Prisoner whose Alignment is Withdrawal is called a Withdrawed; a Prisoner whose Alignment is Rebellion is called a Rebel; a Prisoner whose Alignment is Colonization is colled a Colonizer; a Prisoner whose Alignment is Conversion is called a Converted.
The Alignment field defaults to Withdrawal. Anyone may set the Alignment of an Idle Prisoner to Withdrawal.

As a weekly action, a Prisoner may Adapt. This stands for changing their own Alignment field to either: Withdrawal; Rebellion; Colonization; Conversion.

As a weekly action, a Prisoner may Randomize-Their-Own-Alignment. This stands for throwing 1DICE4 in the GNDT, then changing their own Alignment field according to the dice result:
if the result is 1, they must change their own Alignment to Withdrawal;
if the result is 2, they must change their own Alignment to Rebellion;
if the result is 3, they must change their own Alignment to Colonization;
if the result is 4, they must change their own Alignment to Conversion.
Anyway, if they would get the same Alignment they were before the roll, they must roll again.

A Withdrawed may not take any Action except for Randomize-Their-Own-Alignment, and actions which may explicitly be taken by a Withdrawed.

As a weekly action, the Warden may Mess-With-A-Prisoner. This stands for declaring any other Prisoner, then throwing 1DICE4 in the GNDT, then changing the declared Prisoner’s Alignment field according to the dice result:
if the result is 1, the Warden must change the declared Prisoner’s Alignment to Withdrawal;
if the result is 2, the Warden must change the declared Prisoner’s Alignment to Rebellion;
if the result is 3, the Warden must change the declared Prisoner’s Alignment to Colonization;
if the result is 4, the Warden must change the declared Prisoner’s Alignment to Conversion.

As a weekly action, an Admin or the Don may Mess-With-A-Newbie. This stands for declaring a non-Admin non-Warden non-Don Prisoner, then rolling 1DICE4 in the GNDT, then changing the declared Prisoner’s Alignment field according to the dice result:
if the result is 1, the enactor must change the declared Prisoner’s Alignment to Withdrawal;
if the result is 2, the enactor must change the declared Prisoner’s Alignment to Rebellion;
if the result is 3, the enactor must change the declared Prisoner’s Alignment to Colonization;
if the result is 4, the enactor must change the declared Prisoner’s Alignment to Conversion.




24-08-2015 14:22:31 UTC

Here I meant “enactor” to refer to the one who takes the action. Is it ok, or with the current wording it refers to the Admin who enacts this Proposal?

Josh: he/they

24-08-2015 14:24:03 UTC

A bit too dice-based for my liking, I’m afraid.  against

Kevan: he/him

24-08-2015 14:45:54 UTC

Not a fan of the dice either: in a game with lots of dice rolls they’ll average out, but having just a few occasional dice rolls will swing the game towards the lucky players. But it’s fine as a direction.



24-08-2015 14:55:10 UTC

The criteria is that one has both the Adapt and the Randomization action, so there is a degree of strategy involved, and they must consider that they may have to counter the VIPs messing with them.


24-08-2015 15:02:08 UTC



24-08-2015 16:53:49 UTC



24-08-2015 17:45:03 UTC

for Somewhat irrelevant CoV, I don’t think the randomness hurts the proposal overall.

Kevan: he/him

24-08-2015 18:13:43 UTC

Actually, a potential chance of being knocked out of taking any game action at all for a week when someone randomises your your alignment doesn’t sound great. (“A Withdrawed may not take any Action except for Randomize-Their-Own-Alignment” and you can only do that once a week, so if someone makes you Withdrawn again after you’ve randomised your way out of your last one, you can’t even vote or propose again until Monday.)

Kevan: he/him

24-08-2015 19:29:42 UTC

There’s also some potential for illegal votes being cast here, between this proposal enacting and players (who will all automatically become Withdrawn) realising that they have to take a Randomize-Their-Own-Alignment action in order to take any other game action (such as voting).


24-08-2015 19:32:57 UTC

Yes, I didn’t realize that voting is a game action.


When do I get to make a new proposal?

Kevan: he/him

24-08-2015 20:11:57 UTC

“Any Prisoner may submit a Proposal to change the Ruleset or Gamestate, by posting an entry in the “Proposal” category that describes those changes (unless the Prisoner already has 2 Proposals pending, or has already made 3 Proposals that day).” - so as soon as this one is failed and removed from the queue, you can make another one.

Good to see some bold opening proposals from a new player.


24-08-2015 20:20:21 UTC

I’be been thinking on that for a while. Ok I get that this proposal is not automatically failed, I have to wait for the removal.