Monday, August 24, 2015

Proposal: Total Institution 2

Fewer than a quorum of players not voting AGAINST. Failed 1 vote to 6 by Kevan.

Adminned at 25 Aug 2015 13:00:25 UTC

Add a new Rule to the Ruleset, entitled Total Institution, with the following text:

Each Prisoner has an Alignment field in the GNDT.

The Alignment field of a Prisoner, except for the Warden, must be one of the following: Withdrawal; Rebellion; Colonization; Conversion. The Warden’s Alignment must be System.
A Prisoner whose Alignment is Withdrawal is called a Withdrawn; a Prisoner whose Alignment is Rebellion is called a Rebel; a Prisoner whose Alignment is Colonization is colled a Colonizer; a Prisoner whose Alignment is Conversion is called a Converted.
The Alignment field defaults to Withdrawal. Anyone may set the Alignment of an Idle Prisoner to Withdrawal.

As a weekly action, a Prisoner may Adapt. This stands for changing their own Alignment field to either: Withdrawal; Rebellion; Colonization; Conversion.

As a daily action, a Prisoner may Randomize-One’s-Own-Alignment. This stands for throwing 1DICE4 in the GNDT, then changing their own Alignment field according to the dice result:
if the result is 1, they must change their own Alignment to Withdrawal;
if the result is 2, they must change their own Alignment to Rebellion;
if the result is 3, they must change their own Alignment to Colonization;
if the result is 4, they must change their own Alignment to Conversion.
Anyway, if they are Withdrawn and would get the same Alignment, they must roll again.

A Withdrawn may not take any daily or weekly Action except for Randomize-Their-Own-Alignment, and daily or weekly actions which may explicitly be taken by a Withdrawn. Actions which are not explicitly described with the phrase daily or weekly don’t qualify as daily or weekly actions.

As a weekly action, the Warden may Mess-With-A-Prisoner. This stands for declaring any other Prisoner, then throwing 1DICE4 in the GNDT, then changing the declared Prisoner’s Alignment field according to the dice result:
if the result is 1, the Warden must change the declared Prisoner’s Alignment to Withdrawal;
if the result is 2, the Warden must change the declared Prisoner’s Alignment to Rebellion;
if the result is 3, the Warden must change the declared Prisoner’s Alignment to Colonization;
if the result is 4, the Warden must change the declared Prisoner’s Alignment to Conversion.

As a weekly action, an Admin or the Don may Mess-With-A-Newbie. This stands for declaring a non-Admin non-Warden non-Don Prisoner, then rolling 1DICE4 in the GNDT, then changing the declared Prisoner’s Alignment field according to the dice result:
if the result is 1, they must change the declared Prisoner’s Alignment to Withdrawal;
if the result is 2, they must change the declared Prisoner’s Alignment to Rebellion;
if the result is 3, they must change the declared Prisoner’s Alignment to Colonization;
if the result is 4, they must change the declared Prisoner’s Alignment to Conversion.

This new version addresses some issues. The biggest update is that Randomize-One’s-Own-Alignment is now a daily action. This means that if you want to get a specific Alignment, you can do that once a week with Adapt. Now, messing-with-someone should be a minor obstacle to them but it may be used well.

You could also argue that the rule would be better if messing with someone was not random, since it’s already weaker because of the daily basis of Randomize-One’s-Own-Alignment.



24-08-2015 23:14:21 UTC


Darknight: he/him

25-08-2015 01:11:01 UTC



25-08-2015 06:07:02 UTC

I don’t like the Admin’s privilege, but fortunately, there are many ways to clear the Withdrawn status before others Threaten you.
Are communal actions considered Daily/Weekly?

imperial for now, but if it passes, I’ll reword it, ok?

Josh: he/they

25-08-2015 06:33:17 UTC


Kevan: he/him

25-08-2015 08:40:30 UTC

[ShareDVI] Communal actions are explicitly “daily communal actions” or “daily weekly actions”, there’s no such thing as just a “communal action”.

for Still don’t really like all the dice, though, I might propose a followup that removes them.


25-08-2015 09:23:21 UTC

imperial All the text pertaining to the random selection could be simplified to “Prisoner X’s Alignment is changed to a randomly selected Alignment.” There’s a clause in the Appendix under “Numbers and Variables” that can take care of the DICE-rolling for you.


25-08-2015 12:36:15 UTC

against Given that I already voted for the one without dice.

Kevan: he/him

25-08-2015 12:59:33 UTC

against CoV since Confiscating the Dice (which repeals all the dice stuff) has now hit quorum; will save admins some processing time and give Lynx a slot back.