Saturday, January 27, 2018

Proposal: Touchups

timed out 4-0 enacted by card

Adminned at 29 Jan 2018 19:09:00 UTC

Change “As a Craction which can only be taken in the same atomic action as removing the last item from a Crate, a Resident may add a Fibreboard item to their hands slot.” to

The Resident which causes the Crate to be empty or eligible to be discarded can do the following as a Craction: discard the crate and then add a Fibreboard to an empty hands slots of all Residents with the same priority as them.

If “A Resident’s Priority is a non-integer number equal to” exists in the ruleset change it to

A Resident’s Priority is a rational number equal to

Make a new rule “Self-Failed” with the text

For the purposes of rule 1.5, but not its subrules, a self-killed proposal is not pending; however Residents are still limited to making 3 proposals a day.

If “Norwegian Blue” has passed
Change “If a Crate contains a number of Supplies equal to or less than the number of Sleeping Residents who have not yet taken an item from it, then any Resident may post a comment to the Crate post announcing that the Crate is being discarded: upon doing so, any Supplies still inside the Crate cease to exist.” to

If there exists a non-Empty Crate and every non-Sleeping non-Knocked Out Resident has taken an item from that Crate, then any Resident may post a comment to the Crate post announcing that the Crate is being discarded: upon doing so, any Supplies still inside the Crate cease to exist.

Change “If a Crate contains a number of Supplies equal to or less than the number of Sleeping Residents who have not yet taken an item from it, then any Resident may post a comment to the Crate post announcing that the Crate is being discarded: upon doing so, any Supplies still inside the Crate cease to exist.” to

If there exists a non-Empty Crate and every non-Sleeping Out Resident has taken an item from that Crate, then any Resident may post a comment to the Crate post announcing that the Crate is being discarded: upon doing so, any Supplies still inside the Crate cease to exist.



27-01-2018 12:42:40 UTC

“non-Sleeping Out Resident” in the last block seems like a mistake, but the rest is all good

Kevan: he/him

27-01-2018 14:30:47 UTC

Residents at zero Health are also considered Sleeping, so no need to namecheck both.

Kevan: he/him

27-01-2018 20:13:34 UTC

for as it seems that Norwegian Blue will pass, so the last block shouldn’t enact anyway.


27-01-2018 21:24:36 UTC



27-01-2018 23:11:49 UTC



28-01-2018 05:29:08 UTC

Kevan, while I didn’t realize that when I wrote the rule, there might be some other items that makes Residents considered to be Knocked Out even if they’re not sleeping.