Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Proposal: Town Meeting: Get HIM!

Drags inexorably to enactment, 5-4-1.  Brendan

Adminned at 26 Oct 2007 15:28:25 UTC

If this proposal Passes, change the life of Bucky from Alive to dead.

The Arguments I find that support the theory that Bucky is a werewolf:

-He was the first to respond to the “werewolf” emails then attempts to cover it up with a feeble attempt at stating his intention was to track ip adresses (which can easily be faked by anyone computer literate, which most of us are.
-I have learned from the Watchman that he was seen on the streets the night that the Mayor was murdered.
-His back is harry which, according to the calculations put forth by Hix, gives him a 2/7 chance of being a werewolf

What say ye fellow villagers of Zahndorf?


Amnistar: he/him

24-10-2007 22:53:22 UTC

Correction, he does not have a hairy back (confused him with clucky…stupid similiar names) which gives him a 2/17 chance of being a werewolf (I think)

Darknight: he/him

24-10-2007 23:05:48 UTC

from looking at my screen it seems ya declared a town meeting at night and you can’t do that. i might be wrong but thats how my screen looks

Amnistar: he/him

24-10-2007 23:08:50 UTC

nope, declared it before it became night :)  Just barely, but right before dusk did I declare the town meeting (look at the timestamp)

Darknight: he/him

24-10-2007 23:15:08 UTC

ok then lol.  for unless bucky can tell me how following ip adresses would help him. that seems way out of the spirit of the game too


24-10-2007 23:20:44 UTC

for He’s the most suspicous person.


24-10-2007 23:22:07 UTC

against i’d rather try the jail first at this point. on the other hand, that might just clog up things for a victory…


24-10-2007 23:23:12 UTC

maybe if they’re in jail, the night watchman could see if he turns into a werewolf at night… that could be an interesting mechanic…


24-10-2007 23:23:36 UTC

against for obvious reasons.

Of the three points mentioned, only the last is both valid and relevant.

*The first point is not relevant.  It merely shows that I was the first person who received the e-mail and though it was serious enough to contact other Villagers about. The fact that I thought of using the responses to track IP addresses is a general sign of deviousness rather than evidence either for or against guilt.

*the second point, as mentioned by Amnistar, is incorrect.

*The third point, by itself or not, is such weak evidence that I do not think it should be considered.

In summary, this proposal has a lot in common with the CfJ by AngryGrasshopper that de-adminned me;  it brings up a single weak point and surrounds it with tangential issues to make me look bad.


24-10-2007 23:32:37 UTC

for I still say that Bucky has that shifty look about him.


24-10-2007 23:34:00 UTC

Correction: My rebuttals to the second and third points are backwards.

Darknight:I was trying to find out who sent the “anonymous” email.

Darknight: he/him

24-10-2007 23:35:48 UTC

imperial buckys counter points got me stuck at 50-50 for afew reasons. even though he did send those e-mails he could have done it in good faith and not as anything evil. his second point is wrong as back in the last round of you getting put up ya name was reported by the watchman. and yes you don’t have a hairy back but thats not a real factor.

Darknight: he/him

24-10-2007 23:37:20 UTC

can’t blame ya buck but i’m not 100% sure either way.

Kevan: he/him

24-10-2007 23:51:03 UTC

Why do Amnistar and Darknight both think that it’s night? I’m seeing pre-midnight UTC timestamps here, and the Javascript clock (which is where the colour scheme gets its data) is saying 23:48, which is a correct hour ahead of the British Summer Time I’m living in.

I’m not sure how the Javascript does its voodoo - do your machines maybe have the wrong timezone set? Does Expression Engine have a user setting for which timezone gets displayed?

Darknight: he/him

24-10-2007 23:54:38 UTC

i use eastern stand for most stuff. idk why it changed. the stamps say UTC


25-10-2007 00:02:27 UTC

From my perspective it just changed from day to night.


25-10-2007 00:34:01 UTC

day/night appears to work over here.

Might be my neck later, but against . I would have tried to get the IP addresses if I had thought of it first, no matter what side I happened to be on.

Amnistar: he/him

25-10-2007 01:09:00 UTC

If Hix gets on and gets a chance to look at this, I’d love to see if he could work out the actual “Chances” of Bucky being a werewolf?  Along with the others on the list of the watchman (may he be forever safe) and those that were revealed to have harry backs :)

Brendan: he/him

25-10-2007 02:58:32 UTC

He already posted those—ignoring all other factors and assuming Bucky has not been shaved, he has a 2/17 chance of being a Werewolf.  The Hairy-Backed have a 2/7 chance.

Amnistar: he/him

25-10-2007 03:26:11 UTC

right, I’m interested in seeing how the nightwatch’s sightings effect those chances.


25-10-2007 04:33:53 UTC

Wait. You say he was the first to respond, but he says he sent them…


Kevan: he/him

25-10-2007 10:09:48 UTC

[ Amnistar has now been killed by werewolves. ]


25-10-2007 12:06:16 UTC

so the way i read the rules—the proposal is still there, but amnistar’s vote doesn’t count anymore? definitely time to take some sort of action. but i didn’t get any suspicious emails this round, so i don’t even know what to do.

Amnistar: he/him

25-10-2007 14:43:19 UTC

Actually the way the rules read now (or as I interpret them rather) is that at this point I can no longer vote in the meeting…it doesn’t say my votes previously don’t count, merely that I can’t vote anymore, which means I can’t change whatever vote I have in any town meeting…I think…

I say this because it says that a dead villager may not vote in a atown meeting, not that a dead villager’s votes don’t count.

Kevan: he/him

25-10-2007 15:06:25 UTC

It depends whether the verb “to vote” is the act of declaring a vote, or the ongoing process of having a say in that vote. I suppose the difference in wording from Rule 1.4 (an idle player’s vote “no longer counts”) suggests the voter.


25-10-2007 15:55:43 UTC

i can’t propose a meeting right now, but i strongly suggest we try to imprison bucky rather than just lynching him outright. he’s our strongest lead right now, and if imprisoned, we could watch him at night to see if he turned into a werewolf, and/or interrogate him to possibly learn the identities of other suspected werewolves. we can’t do any of that if he’s dead.

as far as victory, seems logical that imprisoning someone could count the same as killing them regarding acuity points. certainly more humane, though maybe not in the tradition of strict mafia.

Brendan: he/him

25-10-2007 16:26:59 UTC

I’d like to point out that retroactively removing someone’s vote after they die a) makes no sense and b) allows the Werewolves more control over Town Meetings, since they can just pick off people who vote against them.  Kevan and Amnistar’s interpretation is definitely preferable.


25-10-2007 17:36:27 UTC

I agree.  Amnistar’s vote was legal at the time, so it still counts.


25-10-2007 21:29:16 UTC


Darknight: he/him

25-10-2007 21:29:18 UTC

aye. leave any votes placed before death as valid


26-10-2007 00:14:57 UTC


Darknight: he/him

26-10-2007 02:10:07 UTC

against last vote change. lets put hin in jail first