Proposal: Trade and Barter
Self-killed. — Quirck
Adminned at 02 Mar 2013 11:18:57 UTC
Enact a new rule entitled “Trading”:
At any time that a Captain is not being attacked or engaged in battle, they may trade with any other Captain in the same Sector. When trading, Captains may exchange any series of Resources with one another.
Negotiations and actual exchange of Resources may be done in any manner (PMing, or out of game), but must be reflected in the GNDT. Captains should comment these deductions or addition of Resources with the word “trade” and the Captain with whom the resources were traded.
At no time may a Captain give up any amount of Resources for free, nor may Resources be traded for anything other than Resources.
if we have resources, we should be able to trade them. With a firepower trait, I anticipate some sort of battle system - it seems out of style to permit trading while engaged in such. For the moment, this requires Captains to be in the same sector, but I’m open to ideas about extending this across Sectors. Ultimately, I’m leaving the managing of resources up to people’s Honor and vigilance in watching the GNDT.